HBLbits_Verilog Basic_Mt2015 lfsr
Taken from 2015 midterm question 5. See also the first part of this question: mt2015_muxdff
Write the Verilog code for this sequential circuit (Submodules are ok, but the top-level must be named top_module). Assume that you are going to implement the circuit on the DE1-SoC board. Connect the R inputs to the SW switches, connect Clock to KEY[0], and L to KEY[1]. Connect the Q outputs to the red lights LEDR.
module top_module (
input [2:0] SW, // R
input [1:0] KEY, // L and clk
output reg [2:0] LEDR); // Q
wire clk = KEY[0];
wire L = KEY[1];
wire [2:0] d = (L)?SW:{LEDR[1]^LEDR[2],LEDR[0],LEDR[2]};
always @(posedge clk)begin
LEDR <= d;
module top_module (