There are 4 types of looping stetements in Verilog:
forever statement;
repeat(expression) statement;
while(expression) statement;
for(initial_assignment; expression; step_assignment) statement;
begin clk = 0; forever #5 clk = ~clk; end
repeat Loop:
begin x = 0; repeat( 16 ) begin #2 $display("y= ", y); x = x + 1; end end
while Loop:
begin x = 0; while( x <= 10 ) begin #2 $display("y= ", y); x = x + 1; end end for Loop:
for(initial_assignment; expression; step_assignment) statement;
Syntax is similar to C language except that begin--end is used instead of {--} to combine more than one statements. Remember that we don't have ++ operator in Verilog.
for( i = 0; i <= 10; i++ )
mem[i] = 0;
mem[i] = 0;