已知方程式 e^x + x^-2 + 2 cosx -6
利用正割法(secant method) 採用誤差0.00001 找出f(x)=0的根
# Program to find root of an equations using secant method
from math import *
def f_cal(x):
# we are taking equation as e^x + x^-2 + 2 cosx -6
f = exp(x)+1/pow(x,2) + 2*cos(x) - 6.0
return f
def secant(x1,x2,E):
n = 0.0
if (f_cal(x1) * f_cal(x2) > 0):
print( "Can not find a root in the given inteval")
# calculate the intermediate value
x0= (x1 * f_cal(x2) - x2 * f_cal(x1)) / (f_cal(x2) - f_cal(x1))
print("(x1 * f_cal(x2) - x2 * f_cal(x1)) / (f_cal(x2) - f_cal(x1))",round(x0,6),'\n')
# check if x0 is root of equation or not
c = f_cal(x1) * f_cal(x0)
# update the value of interval
x1 = x2
x2 = x0
# update number of iteration
#if x0 is the root of equation then break the loop
if (c == 0):
xm = (x1 * f_cal(x2) - x2 * f_cal(x1)) / (f_cal(x2) - f_cal(x1))
# repeat the loop until the convergence
while (abs(xm - x0) >= E): #// repeat the loop
# calculate the intermediate value
x0= (x1 * f_cal(x2) - x2 * f_cal(x1)) / (f_cal(x2) - f_cal(x1))
print("(x1 * f_cal(x2) - x2 * f_cal(x1)) / (f_cal(x2) - f_cal(x1))",round(x0,6),'\n')
# check if x0 is root of equation or not
c = f_cal(x1) * f_cal(x0)
# update the value of interval
x1 = x2
x2 = x0
# update number of iteration
#if x0 is the root of equation then break the loop
if (c == 0):
xm = (x1 * f_cal(x2) - x2 * f_cal(x1)) / (f_cal(x2) - f_cal(x1))
print("(x1 * f_cal(x2) - x2 * f_cal(x1)) / (f_cal(x2) - f_cal(x1))",round(xm,6),'\n')
# repeat the loop until the convergence
print("Root of the given equation= {%8.5f}" %(x0))
print("No. of iterations = {%5d}" %(n))
#initializing the values
#x1 = 0.0
#x2 = 1.0
E = 0.00001
secant(x1, x2, E)
========= RESTART: F:\2018-09勤益科大數值分析\數值分析\PYTHON\EX2-7.py =============
(x1 * f_cal(x2) - x2 * f_cal(x1)) / (f_cal(x2) - f_cal(x1)) 1.821291
(x1 * f_cal(x2) - x2 * f_cal(x1)) / (f_cal(x2) - f_cal(x1)) 1.824439
(x1 * f_cal(x2) - x2 * f_cal(x1)) / (f_cal(x2) - f_cal(x1)) 1.824979
(x1 * f_cal(x2) - x2 * f_cal(x1)) / (f_cal(x2) - f_cal(x1)) 1.824979
(x1 * f_cal(x2) - x2 * f_cal(x1)) / (f_cal(x2) - f_cal(x1)) 1.824977
Root of the given equation= { 1.82498}
No. of iterations = { 3}