Verilog HDL: Procedural Continuous Assignments
à starts with a keyword “assign”
Characteristics of continuous assignments:
- The left hand side of an assignment must always be a scalar or vector net or a concatenation of scalar and vector nets. It can’t be a scalar or vector register.
- The operands on the right hand side can be registers or nets or functions. Register or nets can be scalar or vectors.
- Delay values can be specified for assignments in terms of time units. Delay values are used to control the time when a net is assigned the evaluated value. This feature is similar to specifying delays for gates.
- The left hand side of procedural continuous assignments can be only be a ‘register’ or a concatenation register. It can’t a ‘part’ or ‘bit select of a net’ or an ‘array of registers’
- Procedural continuous assignments override the effect of regular procedural assignments.
1. assign out = i1 & i2; // continuous assign. // ’out’ is net //i1 and i2 are nets.
2. assign address[15:0]=address1_bits[15:0]^address2_bits[15:0];
//continous assign for vector nets
// ‘addr’ is a 16 bit vector net
// ‘address1’ and ‘address2’ are 16 bit vector registers.
3. assign {c_out, sum[3:0]} = a[3:0] + b[3:0] + c_in;
//concatenation; left hand side is a concatenation of a scalar net and a vector net.
Implicit Continuous Assignment:
wire out;
assign out = in1 & in2; //regular continuous assignment
wire out = in1 & in2; //same effect is achieved by an implicit continuous assignment.
Net Declaration Delay:
à A delay can be specified as a net when it is declared without putting a continuous assignment on the net. If the delay is specified on a net ‘out’, then any value change applied to the net ‘out’ is delayed accordingly.
1. wire #10 out; // net delay
assign out = in1 & in2;
2. wire out ;
assign #10 out = in1 & in2; // same effect as the above example
Structured Procedures :-
- The statements ‘always’ and ‘initial’ can’t be nested.
- The ‘initial’ blocks are typically used for initialization, monitoring, waveforms and other processes that must be executed only once during the entire simulation run.
Eg :-
module stimulus;
module stimulus;
reg x, y,a,b,m;
M=1’b0; //single statement; does not need to be grouped
#5 a=1’b1; //multiple statements;
#25 b=1’b0; //need to be grouped
#10 x=1’b0;
#25 y=1’b1;
#50 $finish;
In this example, the 3 initial statements start to execute in parallel at time 0. If a delay # is seen before a statement, the statement is executed <delay> time units after the current simulation time. Thus the execution sequence of the statements inside the ‘initial’ blocks will be as follows :
Time statements executed
0 ---à m=1’b0;
5 ---à a=1’b1;
10 ---à x=1’b0;
30 ---à b=1’b0;
35 ---à y=1’b1;
50 ---à $finish;
Always Statement :-
-the ‘always’ statement starts at time zero and executes the executes in the ‘always’ block continuously in a looping fashion.
Eg :- module clock_gen(output reg clock);
Clock=1’b0; //initialize clock at time zero
#10 clock=~clock; //(time period=20)
#1000 $finish;