Verilog HDL: Data Types
Value Set:
---> Four values to model the functionality
Value level--------- Condition in hardware circuits
0 ------------- > Logic zero, false condition
1 ------------- > Logic one, true condition
X ------------ > Unknown logic value
Z ------------- > High impedance ,floating state
wire a;
wire b,c;
wire d=1’b0 //Net d is fixed to logic value zero at declaration
reg reset; //declare a variable reset that can hold its value
Registers can also be declared as signed variables
reg signed[63:0] ; //64 bit signed value
Nets or reg (multiple bit widths) data types can be declared as vectors
Eg :
wire a; //scalar net variable;default
// 0:always MSB ; 40:always LSB
Vector Part Select:
It is possible to address bits or parts of vectors.
busA[7] //bit 7 of vector bus A
reg[255:0] data 1; //Little endian notation
Default width is the host machine word size
integer counter; //general purpose variable used as a counter
real delta; //define a real variable
Eg :
time save_sim_time; //define a time variable save_sim_time
integer count[0:7] ; //an array of 8 count variables
Eg :
reg memory_1_bit[0:1023]; //memory memory_1_bit with 1K 1-bit words
parameter part_id =5; //defines a constant port_id
---> Four values to model the functionality
---> Eight strengths of real hardware
1 ------------- > Logic one, true condition
X ------------ > Unknown logic value
Z ------------- > High impedance ,floating state
- Represent connection between hardware elements ; is a datatype; not a keyword
- Nets are declared primarily with the keyword ‘wire’
- Default value is ‘z’
- Exception : ‘trireg’ net,which defaults to x
wire b,c;
wire d=1’b0 //Net d is fixed to logic value zero at declaration
- Represent data storage element
- Retain value until another value is placed onto them
- Keyword is ‘reg’
Default is scalar (1-bit)
wire [7:0] bus; //8 bit bus
wire [31:0] bus A,bus B,bus C; //3 buses of 32 bit width
reg clock; //scalar register; default
reg [0:40] virtual_addr; //vector register. Virtual address 41 bits wide
It is possible to address bits or parts of vectors.
bus[2:0] //three LSBs of vector bus
virtual_addr[0:1] //two MSBs of vector virtual_addr
Variable Vector Part Select:
byte = data1[31-:8]; //starting bit=31,width=8=>data[31:24]
byte = data[24+:8]; //starting bit =24, width=8=>data[31:24]
- Can be in decimal notation(eg: 3.14)
- Can be in scientific notation(eg: 3e6)
- No range declaration possible
- Default value is zero
- A special time register data type is used in verilog to store simulation time
- Width is application specific ;but atleast 64 bits
- The system function ‘$time’ is invoked to get the current simulation time
- The simulation time is measured in terms of simulation seconds
Eg :
initial save_sim_time= $time; //save the current simulation time
- Allowed for reg, integer, time, real, realtime and vector
- Multidimensional arrays are also allowed
- Arrays are accessed by
[ ]
reg bool[31:0] ; //array of 32 one-bit Boolean register variables
time chk_point[1:100]; //array of 100 time checkpoint variables
reg [4:0] port_id[0:7]; //array of 8 port_ids; each port_id is 5 bits wide
- Memories are modeled as a one-dimensional array of registers
- Each word can be one or more bits
reg[7:0] memory_byte[0:1023]; //memory memory_byte with 1K 8-bit words(bytes)
memory_byte[511] //fetches 1 byte word whose address is 511
- Constant definitions
parameter cache_line_width=256; //constant defines width of cache line
parameter signed [15:0] width; //fixed sign and range for parameter width