//1-4 demultiplexer with bitwise operators
module Demux1x4 (SW, LEDR, LEDG);
input [17:0] SW; // toggle switches
output [17:0] LEDR; // red LEDS
output [7:0] LEDG; // green LEDs
//set original program input , output
wire [3:0] y;
wire I;
wire [1:0] S; //Select signal
//mapping to hardware
assign LEDR = SW;
//assing input to SW
assign I=SW[0];
assign S=SW[2:1];
assign y[0] = (~S[1]) & (~S[0]) & I,
y[1] = (~S[1]) & (S[0]) & I,
y[2] = (S[1]) & (~S[0]) & I,
y[3] = (S[1]) & (S[0]) & I;
//assign output to LEDG
assign LEDG[3:0]=y;
//Filename : demul1_4.v
module demul1_4(y, I, S);
output [3:0] y;
input I;
input [1:0] S; //Select signal
assign y[0] = (~S[1]) & (~S[0]) & I,
y[1] = (~S[1]) & (S[0]) & I,
y[2] = (S[1]) & (~S[0]) & I,
y[3] = (S[1]) & (S[0]) & I;