Altera DE2 Project lcdlab1
Ascii Text to Hexadecimal Converter
In order to use this ascii text to hexadecimal converter tool, type an ascii value like "awesome" to get "61 77 65 73 6f 6d 65" and then hit the Convert button. This is the way you can convert up to 128 ascii text to hexadecimal characters.
Altera DE2 Project lcdlab1
Download: design filesThis lab writes two lines to the LCD.
Top-Level Module
The top-level module must link to the following pins:// LCD Module 16X2 output LCD_ON, // LCD Power ON/OFF output LCD_BLON, // LCD Back Light ON/OFF output LCD_RW, // LCD Read/Write Select, 0 = Write, 1 = Read output LCD_EN, // LCD Enable output LCD_RS, // LCD Command/Data Select, 0 = Command, 1 = Data inout [7:0] LCD_DATA // LCD Data bus 8 bits );A reset delay gives some time for peripherals to initialize
wire DLY_RST; Reset_Delay r0( .iCLK(CLOCK_50),.oRESET(DLY_RST) );turn LCD ON
assign LCD_ON = 1'b1; assign LCD_BLON = 1'b1;Instantiate the LCD_TEST module.
LCD Test
module LCD_TEST ( // Host Side input iCLK,iRST_N, // LCD Side output [7:0] LCD_DATA, output LCD_RW,LCD_EN,LCD_RS ); // Internal Wires/Registers reg [5:0] LUT_INDEX; reg [8:0] LUT_DATA; reg [5:0] mLCD_ST; reg [17:0] mDLY; reg mLCD_Start; reg [7:0] mLCD_DATA; reg mLCD_RS; wire mLCD_Done; parameter LCD_INTIAL = 0; parameter LCD_LINE1 = 5; parameter LCD_CH_LINE = LCD_LINE1+16; parameter LCD_LINE2 = LCD_LINE1+16+1; parameter LUT_SIZE = LCD_LINE1+32+1; always@(posedge iCLK or negedge iRST_N) begin if(!iRST_N) begin LUT_INDEX <= 0; mLCD_ST <= 0; mDLY <= 0; mLCD_Start <= 0; mLCD_DATA <= 0; mLCD_RS <= 0; end else begin if(LUT_INDEX<LUT_SIZE) begin case(mLCD_ST) 0: begin mLCD_DATA <= LUT_DATA[7:0]; mLCD_RS <= LUT_DATA[8]; mLCD_Start <= 1; mLCD_ST <= 1; end 1: begin if(mLCD_Done) begin mLCD_Start <= 0; mLCD_ST <= 2; end end 2: begin if(mDLY<18'h3FFFE) mDLY <= mDLY + 1'b1; else begin mDLY <= 0; mLCD_ST <= 3; end end 3: begin LUT_INDEX <= LUT_INDEX + 1'b1; mLCD_ST <= 0; end endcase end end end always begin case(LUT_INDEX) // Initial LCD_INTIAL+0: LUT_DATA <= 9'h038; LCD_INTIAL+1: LUT_DATA <= 9'h00C; LCD_INTIAL+2: LUT_DATA <= 9'h001; LCD_INTIAL+3: LUT_DATA <= 9'h006; LCD_INTIAL+4: LUT_DATA <= 9'h080; // Line 1 LCD_LINE1+0: LUT_DATA <= 9'h141; // <Altera DE2 Kit> LCD_LINE1+1: LUT_DATA <= 9'h16C; LCD_LINE1+2: LUT_DATA <= 9'h174; LCD_LINE1+3: LUT_DATA <= 9'h165; LCD_LINE1+4: LUT_DATA <= 9'h172; LCD_LINE1+5: LUT_DATA <= 9'h161; LCD_LINE1+6: LUT_DATA <= 9'h120; LCD_LINE1+7: LUT_DATA <= 9'h144; LCD_LINE1+8: LUT_DATA <= 9'h145; LCD_LINE1+9: LUT_DATA <= 9'h132; LCD_LINE1+10: LUT_DATA <= 9'h120; LCD_LINE1+11: LUT_DATA <= 9'h142; LCD_LINE1+12: LUT_DATA <= 9'h16F; LCD_LINE1+13: LUT_DATA <= 9'h161; LCD_LINE1+14: LUT_DATA <= 9'h172; LCD_LINE1+15: LUT_DATA <= 9'h164; // Change Line LCD_CH_LINE: LUT_DATA <= 9'h0C0; // Line 2 LCD_LINE2+0: LUT_DATA <= 9'h14E; // Nice To See You! LCD_LINE2+1: LUT_DATA <= 9'h169; LCD_LINE2+2: LUT_DATA <= 9'h163; LCD_LINE2+3: LUT_DATA <= 9'h165; LCD_LINE2+4: LUT_DATA <= 9'h120; LCD_LINE2+5: LUT_DATA <= 9'h154; LCD_LINE2+6: LUT_DATA <= 9'h16F; LCD_LINE2+7: LUT_DATA <= 9'h120; LCD_LINE2+8: LUT_DATA <= 9'h153; LCD_LINE2+9: LUT_DATA <= 9'h165; LCD_LINE2+10: LUT_DATA <= 9'h165; LCD_LINE2+11: LUT_DATA <= 9'h120; LCD_LINE2+12: LUT_DATA <= 9'h159; LCD_LINE2+13: LUT_DATA <= 9'h16F; LCD_LINE2+14: LUT_DATA <= 9'h175; LCD_LINE2+15: LUT_DATA <= 9'h121; default: LUT_DATA <= 9'dx ; endcase end LCD_Controller u0( // Host Side .iDATA(mLCD_DATA), .iRS(mLCD_RS), .iStart(mLCD_Start), .oDone(mLCD_Done), .iCLK(iCLK), .iRST_N(iRST_N), // LCD Interface .LCD_DATA(LCD_DATA), .LCD_RW(LCD_RW), .LCD_EN(LCD_EN), .LCD_RS(LCD_RS) ); endmodule
module LCD_Controller ( // Host Side input [7:0] iDATA, input iRS, input iStart, output reg oDone, input iCLK,iRST_N, // LCD Interface output [7:0] LCD_DATA, output LCD_RW, output reg LCD_EN, output LCD_RS ); parameter CLK_Divide = 16; // Internal Register reg [4:0] Cont; reg [1:0] ST; reg preStart,mStart; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Only write to LCD, bypass iRS to LCD_RS assign LCD_DATA = iDATA; assign LCD_RW = 1'b0; assign LCD_RS = iRS; ///////////////////////////////////////////// always@(posedge iCLK or negedge iRST_N) begin if(!iRST_N) begin oDone <= 1'b0; LCD_EN <= 1'b0; preStart<= 1'b0; mStart <= 1'b0; Cont <= 0; ST <= 0; end else begin ////// Input Start Detect /////// preStart<= iStart; if({preStart,iStart}==2'b01) begin mStart <= 1'b1; oDone <= 1'b0; end ////////////////////////////////// if(mStart) begin case(ST) 0: ST <= 1; // Wait Setup 1: begin LCD_EN <= 1'b1; ST <= 2; end 2: begin if(Cont<CLK_Divide) Cont <= Cont + 1'b1; else ST <= 3; end 3: begin LCD_EN <= 1'b0; mStart <= 1'b0; oDone <= 1'b1; Cont <= 0; ST <= 0; end endcase end end end endmodule
This module holds reset low for awhile (about 220 / 50 MHz = 21 msec) to give internal circuits time to power up.module Reset_Delay( input iCLK, output reg oRESET); reg [19:0] Cont; always@(posedge iCLK) begin if(Cont!=20'hFFFFF) begin Cont <= Cont + 1'b1; oRESET <= 1'b0; end else oRESET <= 1'b1; end endmodule