2021年4月6日 星期二

使用Quartus-II 9.1SP2 + ModelSim 6.5b-Aletra + Altera DE2-115 FPGA開發平台,設計Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)為例(FPGA開發平台)

使用Quartus-II 9.1SP2 + ModelSim 6.5b-Aletra + Altera DE2-115 FPGA開發平台,設計Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)為例(FPGA開發平台)

module DE2_115 (SW, LEDR, LEDG , CLOCK_50 ,KEY ,HEX0 ,HEX1 ,HEX2,HEX3,HEX4 ,HEX5 ,HEX6,HEX7, GPIO );
 input  [17:0] SW;   // toggle switches
 input  [7:0] KEY;       // Push bottom
 input  CLOCK_50;   //Clock 27MHz , 50Mhz
 output [17:0] LEDR;   // red  LEDS
 output [8:0] LEDG;   // green LEDs
 output [6:0] HEX0,HEX1,HEX2,HEX3; //7-segment display
 output [6:0] HEX4,HEX5,HEX6,HEX7; //7-segment display
 inout  [35:0] GPIO;
 assign HEX0=7'b111_1111;
 assign HEX1=7'b111_1111;
 assign HEX2=7'b111_1111;
 assign HEX3=7'b111_1111;
 assign HEX4=7'b111_1111;
 assign HEX5=7'b111_1111;
 assign HEX6=7'b111_1111;
 assign HEX7=7'b111_1111;
//module alu(Y, C, V, N, Z, A, B, Op);
//   output [7:0] Y;  // Result.
//   output C;  // Carry.
//   output N;  // Negative.
//   output V;  // Overflow.
//   output Z;  // Zero.
//   input [7:0]  A;  // Operand.
//   input [7:0]  B;  // Operand.
//   input [2:0] Op; // Operation.

 alu U0( LEDR[7:0],LEDR[8],LEDR[9],LEDR[10],LEDR[11],SW[7:0],SW[15:8],

module alu(Y, C, V, N, Z, A, B, Op);
   output [7:0] Y;  // Result.
   output C;  // Carry.
   output N;  // Negative.
   output V;  // Overflow.
   output Z;  // Zero.
   input [7:0]  A;  // Operand.
   input [7:0]  B;  // Operand.
   input [2:0] Op; // Operation.

   wire [7:0] AS, And, Or, Xor, Not;
   wire s; 
   wire Vas;
   wire Cas;
   // The operations
   carry_select_adder_subtractor addsub(AS, Cas, Vas, A, B, Op[0]);      
   // Op == 3'b000, 3'b001
   andop aluand(And, A, B);                                              
   // Op == 3'b010
   orop aluor(Or, A, B);                                                 
   // Op == 3'b011
   xorop aluxor(Xor, A, B);                                              
   // Op == 3'b100
   notop alunot(Not, A);                                                 
   // Op == 3'b101
   multiplexer_8_1 muxy(Y, AS, AS, And, Or, Xor, Not, 8'b0, 8'b0, Op); 
   // Select the result.

   nor(s, Op[1], Op[2]);   
   // s == 0 => a logical operation, otherwise and arithmetic operation.
   and(C, Cas, s);
   and(V, Vas, s);
   and(N, Y[7], s);       
   // Most significant bit is the sign bit in 2's complement.   
   zero z(Z, Y);           
   // All operations can set the Zero status bit.
endmodule // alu

module andop(Y, A, B);
   output [7:0] Y;  // Result.
   input [7:0]  A;  // Operand.
   input [7:0]  B;  // Operand.

   and(Y[0], A[0], B[0]);
   and(Y[1], A[1], B[1]);
   and(Y[2], A[2], B[2]);
   and(Y[3], A[3], B[3]);
   and(Y[4], A[4], B[4]);
   and(Y[5], A[5], B[5]);
   and(Y[6], A[6], B[6]);
   and(Y[7], A[7], B[7]);
endmodule // andop

module orop(Y, A, B);
   output [7:0] Y; // Result.
   input [7:0]  A; // Operand.
   input [7:0]  B; // Operand.

   or(Y[0], A[0], B[0]);
   or(Y[1], A[1], B[1]);
   or(Y[2], A[2], B[2]);
   or(Y[3], A[3], B[3]);
   or(Y[4], A[4], B[4]);
   or(Y[5], A[5], B[5]);
   or(Y[6], A[6], B[6]);
   or(Y[7], A[7], B[7]);
endmodule // orop

module xorop(Y, A, B);
   output [7:0] Y; // Result.
   input [7:0]  A; // Operand.
   input [7:0]  B; // Operand.

   xor(Y[0], A[0], B[0]);
   xor(Y[1], A[1], B[1]);
   xor(Y[2], A[2], B[2]);
   xor(Y[3], A[3], B[3]);
   xor(Y[4], A[4], B[4]);
   xor(Y[5], A[5], B[5]);
   xor(Y[6], A[6], B[6]);
   xor(Y[7], A[7], B[7]);
endmodule // xorop

module notop(Y, A);
   output [7:0] Y; // Result.
   input [7:0]  A; // Operand.

   not(Y[0], A[0]);
   not(Y[1], A[1]);
   not(Y[2], A[2]);
   not(Y[3], A[3]);
   not(Y[4], A[4]);
   not(Y[5], A[5]);
   not(Y[6], A[6]);
   not(Y[7], A[7]);
endmodule // notop

module zero(Z, A);
   output Z;        // Result. 
   input [7:0]  A; // Operand.

   wire [7:0] Y; // Temp result.
   xnor(Y[0], A[0], 0);
   xnor(Y[1], A[1], 0);
   xnor(Y[2], A[2], 0);
   xnor(Y[3], A[3], 0);
   xnor(Y[4], A[4], 0);
   xnor(Y[5], A[5], 0);
   xnor(Y[6], A[6], 0);
   xnor(Y[7], A[7], 0);
   and(Z, Y[0], Y[1], Y[2], Y[3], Y[4],
       Y[5], Y[6], Y[7]);
endmodule // zero
module carry_select_adder_subtractor(S, C, V, A, B, Op);
   output [7:0] S;   // The 16-bit sum/difference.
   output C;   // The 1-bit carry/borrow status.
   output V;   // The 1-bit overflow status.
   input [7:0]  A;   // The 16-bit augend/minuend.
   input [7:0]  B;   // The 16-bit addend/subtrahend.
   input Op;  // The operation: 0 => Add, 1=>Subtract.
   wire C7; // The carry out bit of adder/subtractor, used to generate final carry/borrrow.   
   wire [7:0] Bx;
   // Looking at the truth table for not we see that  
   // B xor 0 = B, and
   // B xor 1 = not(B).
   // So, if Op==1 means we are subtracting, then
   // adding A and B xor Op alog with setting the first
   // carry bit to Op, will give us a result of
   // A+B when Op==0, and A+not(B)+1 when Op==1.
   // Note that not(B)+1 is the 2's complement of B, so
   // this gives us subtraction.     
   xor(Bx[0], B[0], Op);
   xor(Bx[1], B[1], Op);
   xor(Bx[2], B[2], Op);
   xor(Bx[3], B[3], Op);
   xor(Bx[4], B[4], Op);
   xor(Bx[5], B[5], Op);
   xor(Bx[6], B[6], Op);
   xor(Bx[7], B[7], Op);
   xor(C, C7, Op);            
   // Carry = C7 for addition, Carry = not(C7) for subtraction.
   carry_select_adder csa(S, C7, V, A, Bx, Op);   
endmodule // carry_select_adder_subtractor

module carry_select_adder(S, C, V, A, B, Cin);
   output [7:0] S;   // The 16-bit sum.
   output C;   // The 1-bit carry.
   output V;   // The 1-bit overflow status.
   input [7:0]  A;   // The 16-bit augend.
   input [7:0]  B;   // The 16-bit addend.
   input Cin; // The initial carry in.

   wire [3:0] S1_0;   // Nibble 1 sum output with carry input 0.
   wire [3:0] S1_1;   // Nibble 1 sum output with carry input 1.

   wire C1_0;   // Nibble 1 carry output with carry input 0.
   wire C1_1;   // Nibble 1 carry output with carry input 1.

   wire C0;     // Nibble 0 carry output used to select multiplexer output.
   wire C1;     // Nibble 1 carry output used to select multiplexer output.

   wire     V0;     // Nibble 0 overflow output.
   wire V1_0;   // Nibble 1 overflow output with carry input 0.
   wire V1_1;   // Nibble 1 overflow output with carry input 1.

   ripple_carry_adder rc_nibble_0(S[3:0], C0, V0, A[3:0], B[3:0], Cin);          // Calculate S nibble 0.
   ripple_carry_adder rc_nibble_1_carry_0(S1_0, C1_0, V1_0, A[7:4], B[7:4], 0);      // Calculate S nibble 1 with carry input 0.
   ripple_carry_adder rc_nibble_1_carry_1(S1_1, C1_1, V1_1, A[7:4], B[7:4], 1);      // Calculate S nibble 1 with carry input 1.

   multiplexer_2_1 #(1) muxc1(C1, C1_0, C1_1, C0); // C0 selects the carry output for nibble 1.
   multiplexer_2_1 #(4) muxs1(S[7:4], S1_0, S1_1, C0);    // C0 selects the result for nibble 1.

endmodule // carry_select_adder

module ripple_carry_adder(S, C, V, A, B, Cin);
   output [3:0] S;   // The 4-bit sum.
   output C;   // The 1-bit carry.
   output       V;   // The 1-bit overflow status.   
   input [3:0] A;   // The 4-bit augend.
   input [3:0] B;   // The 4-bit addend.
   input Cin; // The carry input.
   wire C0; // The carry out bit of fa0, the carry in bit of fa1.
   wire C1; // The carry out bit of fa1, the carry in bit of fa2.
   wire C2; // The carry out bit of fa2, the carry in bit of fa3.
   full_adder fa0(S[0], C0, A[0], B[0], Cin);    // Least significant bit.
   full_adder fa1(S[1], C1, A[1], B[1], C0);
   full_adder fa2(S[2], C2, A[2], B[2], C1);
   full_adder fa3(S[3], C, A[3], B[3], C2);    // Most significant bit.
   xor(V, C, C2);  // Overflow   
endmodule // ripple_carry_adder

module full_adder(S, Cout, A, B, Cin);
   output S;
   output Cout;
   input  A;
   input  B;
   input  Cin;
   wire   w1;
   wire   w2;
   wire   w3;
   wire   w4;
   xor(w1, A, B);
   xor(S, Cin, w1);
   and(w2, A, B);   
   and(w3, A, Cin);
   and(w4, B, Cin);   
   or(Cout, w2, w3, w4);
endmodule // full_adder

module multiplexer_2_1(X, A0, A1, S);
   parameter WIDTH=8;     // How many bits wide are the lines

   output [WIDTH-1:0] X;   // The output line

   input [WIDTH-1:0]  A1;  // Input line with id 1'b1
   input [WIDTH-1:0]  A0;  // Input line with id 1'b0
   input       S;  // Selection bit
   assign X = (S == 1'b0) ? A0 : A1;
endmodule // multiplexer_2_1

module multiplexer_8_1(X, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, S);
   parameter WIDTH=8;     // How many bits wide are the lines

   output [WIDTH-1:0] X;   // The output line

   input [WIDTH-1:0]  A7;  // Input line with id 3'b111
   input [WIDTH-1:0]  A6;  // Input line with id 3'b110
   input [WIDTH-1:0]  A5;  // Input line with id 3'b101
   input [WIDTH-1:0]  A4;  // Input line with id 3'b100
   input [WIDTH-1:0]  A3;  // Input line with id 3'b011
   input [WIDTH-1:0]  A2;  // Input line with id 3'b010
   input [WIDTH-1:0]  A1;  // Input line with id 3'b001
   input [WIDTH-1:0]  A0;  // Input line with id 3'b000
   input [2:0]       S;   

   assign X = (S[2] == 0 
       ? (S[1] == 0 
  ? (S[0] == 0 
     ? A0       // {S2,S1,S0} = 3'b000
     : A1)      // {S2,S1,S0} = 3'b001
  : (S[0] == 0 
     ? A2       // {S2,S1,S0} = 3'b010
     : A3))     // {S2,S1,S0} = 3'b011
       : (S[1] == 0 
  ? (S[0] == 0 
     ? A4       // {S2,S1,S0} = 3'b100
     : A5)      // {S2,S1,S0} = 3'b101
  : (S[0] == 0 
     ? A6       // {S2,S1,S0} = 3'b110
     : A7)));   // {S2,S1,S0} = 3'b111
endmodule // multiplexer_8_1




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