2021年4月24日 星期六

HBLbits_Verilog Basic_Exams/ece241 2014 q1c

HBLbits_Verilog Basic_Exams/ece241 2014 q1c 

Assume that you have two 8-bit 2's complement numbers, a[7:0] and b[7:0]. These numbers are added to produce s[7:0]. Also compute whether a (signed) overflow has occurred.

module top_module (
    input [7:0] a,
    input [7:0] b,
    output [7:0] s,
    output overflow
); //
    assign s = a + b;
    assign overflow = (a[7] & b[7] & ~s[7]) | (~a[7] & ~b[7] & s[7]);



作業2 MQTT (Relay + DHT22) 控制 ------- 利用Node-Red

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