2021年4月24日 星期六

HBLbits_Verilog Basic_Adder3

HBLbits_Verilog Basic_Adder3

Now that you know how to build a full adder, make 3 instances of it to create a 3-bit binary ripple-carry adder. The adder adds two 3-bit numbers and a carry-in to produce a 3-bit sum and carry out. To encourage you to actually instantiate full adders, also output the carry-out from each full adder in the ripple-carry adder. cout[2] is the final carry-out from the last full adder, and is the carry-out you usually see.

module top_module( 
    input [2:0] a, b,
    input cin,
    output [2:0] cout,
    output [2:0] sum );
    fadd u0(a[0],b[0],cin,cout[0],sum[0]);
    fadd u1(a[1],b[1],cout[0],cout[1],sum[1]);
    fadd u2(a[2],b[2],cout[1],cout[2],sum[2]);
module fadd( 
    input a, b, cin,
    output cout, sum );
    assign {cout, sum}=a+b+cin;
    //assign cout = a & b | a & cin | b & cin;
    //assign sum = a ^ b ^ cin;



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