2020年5月21日 星期四

Xilinx Synthesis Technology

Xilinx Synthesis Technology (XST) 

Chapter 1   Introduction
Chapter 2   HDL Coding Techniques
Single-Port RAM with Asynchronous Read   2-117
Single-Port RAM with "false" Synchronous Read   2-120
Dual-Port RAM with Asynchronous Read   2-132
Dual-Port RAM with False Synchronous Read   2-135
Dual-Port RAM with Synchronous Read (Read Through)   2-138
Dual-Port RAM with One Enable Controlling Both Ports   2-144
Dual-Port RAM with Enable on Each Port   2-147
FSM with 1 Process   2-155
FSM with 2 Processes   2-157
FSM with 3 Processes   2-160
Chapter 3   FPGA Optimization
Virtex Specific Synthesis Options   3-2
Chapter 4   CPLD Optimization
Chapter 5   Design Constraints
Setting Global Constraints and Options   5-2
Chapter 6   VHDL Language Support
Operators   6-7
If...Else Statement   6-19
For...Loop Statement   6-22
Chapter 7   Verilog Language Support
if...else statement   7-11
Case statement   7-11
For and Repeat loops   7-12
Chapter 8   Command Line Mode
Example 1: How to Synthesize VHDL Designs Using Command Line
���Mode   8-10
Case 1: All Blocks in a Single File   8-10
Case 2: Each Design in a Separate File   8-13
Example 2: How to Synthesize Verilog Designs Using Command Line Mode   8-15
Case 1: All Design Blocks in a Single File   8-16
Appendix A   XST Naming Conventions



WOKWI ESP32 LED Control , Node-Red MQTT SQLITE  

WOKWI ESP32 LED Control ,  Node-Red  MQTT SQLITE   const char broker[] = "test.mosquitto.org" ; //const char broker[] = "br...