2020年5月21日 星期四

An Introduction to FPGA Programming

Learning materials and workshop notes

The materials and supporting workshop notes were originally developed for the first ever ChipHack event and have been updated since.
All the source materials can be found on the GitHub chiphack repository and wiki.
Note that these are under development, so may not be entirely suitable for unsupported use.
Some of the slide decks are prepared using Hieroglyph, and can be viewed directly on this website as either HTML pages or slides. Others are provided as plain PDF.
  • MyStorm Setup: htmlslides.
  • Basic Verilog: htmlslides.
  • Combinatorial Verilog: htmlslides.
  • Sequential Verilog: htmlslides.
  • UART design htmlslides.
  • Martin Campbell-Kelly on the history of EDSAC: part 1 PDF.
  • Martin Campbell-Kelly on the history of EDSAC: part 2 PDF.
  • Bill Purvis's EDSAC in Verilog PDF.
  • Recreating EDSAC peripherals htmlslides.
  • Hatim Kanchwala's EDSAC design htmlslides.
  • Kevin Murrell on the EDSAC replica project PDF.



作業2 MQTT (Relay + DHT22) 控制 ------- 利用Node-Red

作業2 MQTT (Relay + DHT22) 控制 ------- 利用Node-Red 1) 安裝Node-Red  https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/articles/10201795 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v...