2020年4月2日 星期四

Binary to 7 segment Display in Verilog

Binary to 7 segment Display in Verilog

源自於 https://www.nandland.com/vhdl/modules/binary-to-7-segment.html

// This file converts an input binary number into an output which can get sent
// to a 7-Segment LED.  7-Segment LEDs have the ability to display all decimal
// numbers 0-9 as well as hex digits A, B, C, D, E and F.  The input to this
// module is a 4-bit binary number.  This module will properly drive the
// individual segments of a 7-Segment LED in order to display the digit.

module Binary_To_7Segment ( input [3:0] i_Binary_Num, output o_Segment_A, output o_Segment_B, output o_Segment_C, output o_Segment_D, output o_Segment_E, output o_Segment_F, output o_Segment_G ); reg [6:0] r_Hex_Encoding = 7'h00; // Purpose: Creates a case statement for all possible input binary numbers. // Drives r_Hex_Encoding appropriately for each input combination. always @(i_Binary_Num) begin case (i_Binary_Num) 4'b0000 : r_Hex_Encoding <= 7'h7E; 4'b0001 : r_Hex_Encoding <= 7'h30; 4'b0010 : r_Hex_Encoding <= 7'h6D; 4'b0011 : r_Hex_Encoding <= 7'h79; 4'b0100 : r_Hex_Encoding <= 7'h33; 4'b0101 : r_Hex_Encoding <= 7'h5B; 4'b0110 : r_Hex_Encoding <= 7'h5F; 4'b0111 : r_Hex_Encoding <= 7'h70; 4'b1000 : r_Hex_Encoding <= 7'h7F; 4'b1001 : r_Hex_Encoding <= 7'h7B; 4'b1010 : r_Hex_Encoding <= 7'h77; 4'b1011 : r_Hex_Encoding <= 7'h1F; 4'b1100 : r_Hex_Encoding <= 7'h4E; 4'b1101 : r_Hex_Encoding <= 7'h3D; 4'b1110 : r_Hex_Encoding <= 7'h4F; 4'b1111 : r_Hex_Encoding <= 7'h47; endcase end // always @ (posedge i_Clk) // r_Hex_Encoding[7] is unused assign o_Segment_A = r_Hex_Encoding[6]; assign o_Segment_B = r_Hex_Encoding[5]; assign o_Segment_C = r_Hex_Encoding[4]; assign o_Segment_D = r_Hex_Encoding[3]; assign o_Segment_E = r_Hex_Encoding[2]; assign o_Segment_F = r_Hex_Encoding[1]; assign o_Segment_G = r_Hex_Encoding[0]; endmodule // Binary_To_7Segment

`timescale 100ns / 1ps
module TB_7segment;
module Binary_To_7Segment 
   input [3:0] i_Binary_Num,
   output      o_Segment_A,
   output      o_Segment_B,
   output      o_Segment_C,
   output      o_Segment_D,
   output      o_Segment_E,
   output      o_Segment_F,
   output      o_Segment_G
// Inputs
reg [3:0] i_Binary_Num;
// Outputs
wire o_Segment_A,o_Segment_B,o_Segment_C,o_Segment_D,o_Segment_E,o_Segment_F,o_Segment_G;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
Binary_To_7Segment UUT (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
i_Binary_Num = 0;
#20 i_Binary_Num = 1;
#20 i_Binary_Num = 2;
#20 i_Binary_Num = 3;
#20 i_Binary_Num = 4;
#20 i_Binary_Num = 5;
#20 i_Binary_Num = 6;
#20 i_Binary_Num = 7;
#20 i_Binary_Num = 8;
#20 i_Binary_Num = 9;
#20 i_Binary_Num = 10;
#20 i_Binary_Num = 11;
#20 i_Binary_Num = 12;
#20 i_Binary_Num = 13;
#20 i_Binary_Num = 14;
#20 i_Binary_Num = 15;
initial begin



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