HBLbits_Verilog Basic Gates
Basic Gates
Implement the following circuit:
module top_module ( input in, output out); assign out=in; endmodule |
Implement the following circuit:
module top_module (
output out);
wire w1=1'b0;
assign out=w1;
Implement the following circuit:
module top_module ( input in1, input in2, output out); assign out= ~(in1 | in2) ; endmodule |
Implement the following circuit:
module top_module ( input in1, input in2, output out); assign out =(in1 & (~in2)); endmodule |
Implement the following circuit:
module top_module ( input in1, input in2, input in3, output out); wire w1; assign w1= ~(in1 ^in2); assign out = (in3 ^ w1); endmodule |
There are 7
outputs, each with a logic gate driving it:
out_and: a and b
out_or: a or b
out_xor: a xor b
out_nand: a nand
out_nor: a nor b
out_xnor: a xnor
out_anotb: a
and-not b
module top_module( input a, b, output out_and, output out_or, output out_xor, output out_nand, output out_nor, output out_xnor, output out_anotb ); assign out_and= a&b; assign out_or = a|b; assign out_xor= a^b; assign out_nand= ~(a&b); assign out_nor= ~(a|b); assign out_xnor= ~(a^b); assign out_anotb= a & (~b); //a and-not b
endmodule |
The 7420 is a chip with two 4-input
NAND gates.
Create a module with the same
functionality as the 7420 chip. It has 8 inputs and 2 outputs.
module top_module ( input p1a, p1b, p1c, p1d, output p1y, input p2a, p2b, p2c, p2d, output p2y ); assign p1y= ~(p1a & p1b & p1c & p1d ); assign p2y= ~(p2a & p2b & p2c & p2d ); endmodule |
The output
column shows what the output should be for each input value.
Row |
Inputs |
Outputs |
number |
x3 |
x2 |
x1 |
f |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
6 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
7 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
The above
truth table is for a three-input, one-output function.
module top_module( input x3, input x2, input x1, // three inputs output f // one output ); // f= sigma (2,3,5,7) assign f= (~x3 & x2 & ~x1) | (~x3 & x2 & x1) | (x3 & ~x2 & x1) | (x3 & x2 & x1); endmodule |
Create a circuit that has two 2-bit
inputs A[1:0] and B[1:0], and produces an
output z. The value of z should be 1
if A = B, otherwise z should be 0.
y = A'B'C'D' + A'BC'D + AB'CD' + ABCD
z= sigma (0,5,10,15)
module top_module ( input [1:0] A, input [1:0] B, output z ); // z= sigma (0,5,10,15) assign z= (~A[1] & ~A[0] & ~B[1] & ~B[0]) | (~A[1] & A[0] & ~B[1] & B[0]) | ( A[1] & ~A[0] & B[1] & ~B[0]) | ( A[1] & A[0] & B[1] & B[0]) ; endmodule |
module top_module( input [1:0] A, input [1:0] B, output z); assign z = (A[1:0]==B[1:0]); // Comparisons produce a 1 or 0 result.
// Another option is to use a 16-entry truth table ( {A,B} is 4 bits, with 16 combinations ). // There are 4 rows with a 1 result. 0000, 0101, 1010, and 1111. endmodule |
Module A is supposed to implement the
function z = (x^y) & x.
Implement this module.
module top_module (input x, input y, output z); assign z= (x ^y ) & x ; endmodule |
Mt2015 q4b
Circuit B can be described by the following simulation waveform:
module top_module ( input x, input y, output z ); assign z= (~x & ~y) | (x & y); // sigm (0,3) endmodule |
module top_module( input x, input y, output z); // The simulation waveforms gives you a truth table: // y x z // 0 0 1 // 0 1 0 // 1 0 0 // 1 1 1 // Two minterms: // assign z = (~x & ~y) | (x & y); // Or: Notice this is an XNOR. assign z = ~(x^y); endmodule |
The top-level design consists
of two instantiations each of subcircuits A and B, as shown below.
Module A is supposed to implement the
function z = (x^y) & x.
Module B is supposed to implement the function z = (~x & ~y) | (x & y);
module top_module (input x, input y, output z); wire w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6;
mt2015_q4a u0(x,y,w1); mt2015_q4b u1(x,y,w2);
mt2015_q4a u3(x,y,w3); mt2015_q4b u4(x,y,w4);
assign w5= w1 | w2; assign w6= w3 & w4; assign z= (w5 ^ w6); endmodule module mt2015_q4a (input x, input y, output z);
assign z = (x^y)
& x ; endmodule module mt2015_q4b (input x, input y, output z);
assign z = (~x &
~y) | (x & y) ; endmodule |
module top_module( input x, input y, output z); wire o1, o2, o3, o4;
A ia1 (x, y, o1); B ib1 (x, y, o2); A ia2 (x, y, o3); B ib2 (x, y, o4);
assign z = (o1 | o2) ^ (o3 & o4); // Or you could simplify the circuit including the sub-modules: // assign z = x|~y;
endmodule module A ( input x, input y, output z); assign z = (x^y) & x;
endmodule module B ( input x, input y, output z); assign z = ~(x^y); endmodule |
Whenever the phone needs to ring from an
incoming call (input ring
), your circuit must either turn on the ringer
(output ringer = 1
) or the motor (output motor = 1
), but not both.
If the phone is in vibrate mode (input vibrate_mode = 1
), turn on the motor. Otherwise, turn on the
假設你正在設計一個電路來控制手機的振鈴器和振動電機。當手機來電時(input ring),電路必須把震動( output motor = 1 )或響鈴( output ringer = 1 )打開,但不能同時打開。當手機處於震動模式時( input vibrate = 1 ),則打開震動( output motor = 1 )。否則打開響鈴。
module top_module( input ring, input vibrate_mode, output ringer, output motor );
// When should ringer be on? When (phone is ringing) and (phone is not in vibrate mode) assign ringer = ring & ~vibrate_mode;
// When should motor be on? When (phone is ringing) and (phone is in vibrate mode) assign motor = ring & vibrate_mode;
endmodule |
A heating/cooling thermostat controls both a
heater (during winter) and an air conditioner (during summer). Implement a
circuit that will turn on and off the heater, air conditioning, and blower fan
as appropriate.
恒溫器可以處於兩種模式之一:制熱(mode = 1)和製冷(mode = 0)。
在制熱模式下,當溫度過低時(too_cold = 1),打開加熱器,但不要使用空調。
在製冷模式下,當溫度過高(too_hot = 1)打開空調,但不要打開加熱器。
= 1)。
加熱器 |
空調 |
風扇 |
Mode=0 (製冷) |
1 |
Mode=1 (制熱) |
1 |
too_cold=0 |
too_cold=1 |
1 |
too_hot=0 |
too_hot=1 |
1 |
module top_module
( input too_cold, input too_hot, input mode, input fan_on, output heater, output aircon, output fan ); assign heater = too_cold &
mode; assign aircon = too_hot & ~mode; assign fan = fan_on | heater | aircon; endmodule |
A "population count" circuit counts
the number of '1's in an input vector. Build a population count circuit for a
3-bit input vector.
top_module( input [2:0] in, output [1:0] out ); reg [1:0] out_temp; integer i; always @(*) begin out_temp=2'b00; for(i=0;i<=2;i=i+1) if (in[i]) out_temp=out_temp+1; end assign out=out_temp; endmodule |
module top_module
( input [2:0] in, output [1:0] out ); // This is a function of 3 inputs. One
method is to use a 8-entry truth table: // in[2:0] out[1:0] // 000
00 // 001
01 // 010
01 // 011
10 // 100
01 // 101
10 // 110
10 // 111
11 assign out[0] = (~in[2] & ~in[1] &
in[0]) | (~in[2] & in[1] & ~in[0]) | (in[2] & ~in[1] &
~in[0]) | (in[2] & in[1] & in[0]); assign out[1] = (in[1] & in[0]) |
(in[2] & in[0]) | (in[2] & in[1]); // Using the addition operator works too: // assign out = in[0]+in[1]+in[2]; // Yet another method uses behavioural
code inside a procedure (combinational always block) // to directly implement the truth table: /* always @(*) begin case (in) 3'd0: out = 2'd0; 3'd1: out = 2'd1; 3'd2: out = 2'd1; 3'd3: out = 2'd2; 3'd4: out = 2'd1; 3'd5: out = 2'd2; 3'd6: out = 2'd2; 3'd7: out = 2'd3; endcase end */ endmodule |
You are given a four-bit input vector in[3:0].
We want to know some relationships between each bit and its neighbour:
out_both: For example, out_both[2] should indicate if in[2] and in[3] are both 1. ince in[3] has no neighbour to the left, the answer is obvious so
we don't need to know out_both[3].
For example, out_any[2] should indicate if either in[2] or in[1] are 1. Since in[0] has no neighbour to the right, the answer is obvious so
we don't need to know out_any[0].
out_different: For example, out_different[2] should indicate if in[2] is different from in[3]. For this part, treat the vector as wrapping around,
so in[3]'s neighbour to the left is in[0].
top_module( input [3:0] in, output [2:0] out_both, output [3:1] out_any, output [3:0] out_different ); assign out_both[0] = in[1] & in[0]; assign out_both[1] = in[2] & in[1]; assign out_both[2] = in[3] & in[2]; assign out_any[1] = in[1] | in[0]; assign out_any[2] = in[2] | in[1]; assign out_any[3] = in[3] | in[2]; assign out_different[0] = in[1] ^ in[0]; assign out_different[1] = in[2] ^ in[1]; assign out_different[2] = in[3] ^ in[2]; assign out_different[3] = in[0] ^ in[3]; endmodule |
module top_module
( input [3:0] in, output [2:0] out_both, output [3:1] out_any, output [3:0] out_different ); // Use bitwise operators and part-select
to do the entire calculation in one line of code // in[3:1] is this vector: in[3]
in[2] in[1] // in[2:0] is this vector: in[2]
in[1] in[0] // Bitwise-OR produces a 3 bit vector.
| | | // Assign this 3-bit result to
out_any[3:1]: o_a[3] o_a[2] o_a[1] // Thus, each output bit is the OR of the
input bit and its neighbour to the right: // e.g., out_any[1] = in[1] | in[0]; // Notice how this works even for long
vectors. assign out_any = in[3:1] | in[2:0]; assign out_both = in[2:0] & in[3:1]; // XOR 'in' with a vector that is 'in'
rotated to the right by 1 position: {in[0], in[3:1]} // The rotation is accomplished by using
part selects[] and the concatenation operator{}. assign out_different = in ^ {in[0], in[3:1]}; endmodule |
You are
given a 100-bit input vector in[99:0]. We want to know some relationships
between each bit and its neighbour:
out_both: Each bit of this output vector should indicate
whether both the corresponding input bit and its neighbour to
the left are '1'. For example, out_both[98] should
indicate if in[98] and in[99] are both 1. Since in[99] has no
neighbour to the left, the answer is obvious so we don't need to know out_both[99].
out_any: Each bit of this output vector should indicate
whether any of the corresponding input bit and its neighbour
to the right are '1'. For example, out_any[2] should
indicate if either in[2] or in[1] are 1. Since in[0] has no
neighbour to the right, the answer is obvious so we don't need to know out_any[0].
out_different: Each bit of this output vector should indicate whether
the corresponding input bit is different from its neighbour to the left.
For example, out_different[98] should indicate if in[98] is
different from in[99]. For this part, treat the vector as wrapping around,
so in[99]'s neighbour
to the left is in[0].
top_module( input [99:0] in, output [98:0] out_both, output [99:1] out_any, output [99:0] out_different ); 1. /* 2. assign out_any = in[3:1] | in[2:0]; 3. assign out_different = {in[0], in[3:1]} ^ in; 4. */ assign
out_both = in[99:1] & in[98:0]; assign out_any = in[99:1] | in[98:0]; assign out_different = {in[0], in[99:1]}
^ in[99:0]; endmodule |