Fixed-Point Iteration. Root finding.
Algorithm: INPUT initial approximation p0; tolerance TOL; maximum number of iterations N0. OUTPUT approximate solution p or message of failure. Step 1 Set i=1. Step 2 While i <= N0 do Steps 3-6. Step 3 Set p=g(p0). (Compute pi.) Step 4 If |p-p0|<tol mode="hold"> OUTPUT (p); (The procedure was successful.) STOP. Step 5 Set i=i+1. Step 6 Set p0=p. (Update p0.) Step 7 OUTPUT ('The method failed after N0 iterations, N0=', N0); (The procedure was unsuccessful.) STOP.程式
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
double f(double x)
return x*x*x*x-3*x*x-3; //change equation for each problem
double g(double x)
return pow(3*x*x+3,.25);
int main()
double p, p0, Tol;
int i=1;
int No;
//printf("Enter approximate p: ");
//scanf ("%lf", &p0);
//printf("Desired Tolerance: ");
//scanf ("%lf", &Tol);
//printf("Maximum Iterations: ");
//scanf ("%d", &No);
scanf ("%lf %lf %d",&p0,&Tol, &No);
while (i<=No)
p = g(p0);
//printf("%lf", &p);
printf("Iteration %d: Current value = %lf\n", i, p);
i++; //i=i+1
if (i>No)
printf("Method Failed after %d", No);
printf(" iterations");
10.0 0.001 50
Iteration 1: Current value = 4.172157 Iteration 2: Current value = 2.725997 Iteration 3: Current value = 2.242595 Iteration 4: Current value = 2.062271 Iteration 5: Current value = 1.992422 Iteration 6: Current value = 1.965006 Iteration 7: Current value = 1.954192 Iteration 8: Current value = 1.949919 Iteration 9: Current value = 1.948229