DE2-115 開發 以 D Filp-Folp 7474 為例(Verilog gate level modeling )
The following function table shows the operation of a D flip-flop. The column header Q(t+1)
means "the value of Q
at the start of the next clock period", similarly for Qn(t+1)
D | Q(t+1) | Qn(t+1) | Meaning |
0 | 0 | 1 | Reset |
1 | 1 | 0 | Set |
module d_flip_flop_edge_triggered(SW, LEDR, LEDG , CLOCK_50 ,KEY,HEX0 ,HEX1 ,HEX2,HEX3 ,HEX4 ,HEX5 ,HEX6 ,HEX7 );
input [17:0] SW; // toggle switches
input [3:0] KEY; // Push bottom
input CLOCK_50; //Clock 27MHz , 50Mhz
output [17:0] LEDR; // red LEDS
output [8:0] LEDG; // green LEDs
output [6:0] HEX0,HEX1,HEX2,HEX3,HEX4,HEX5,HEX6,HEX7 ; //7-segment display
assign HEX0=7'b111_1111; //off 7-segment Display
assign HEX1=7'b111_1111;
assign HEX2=7'b111_1111; //off 7-segment Display
assign HEX3=7'b111_1111;
assign HEX4=7'b111_1111;
assign HEX5=7'b111_1111;
assign HEX6=7'b111_1111;
assign HEX7=7'b111_1111;
//D Flip-Flop (edge-triggered)
module d_flip_flop_gatelevel(Q, Qn, Ck, D);
output Q;
output Qn;
input Ck;
input D;
wire Cn; // Control input to the D latch.
wire Cnn; // Control input to the SR latch.
wire DQ; // Output from the D latch, input to the gated SR latch.
wire DQn; // Output from the D latch, input to the gated SR latch.
not(Cn, Ck);
not(Cnn, Cn);
d_latch dl(DQ, DQn, Cn, D);
sr_latch_gated sr(Q, Qn, Cnn, DQ, DQn);
endmodule // d_flip_flop_edge_triggered
module d_latch(Q, Qn, G, D);
output Q;
output Qn;
input G;
input D;
wire Dn;
wire D1;
wire Dn1;
not(Dn, D);
and(D1, G, D);
and(Dn1, G, Dn);
nor(Qn, D1, Q);
nor(Q, Dn1, Qn);
endmodule // d_latch
module sr_latch_gated(Q, Qn, G, S, R);
output Q;
output Qn;
input G;
input S;
input R;
wire S1;
wire R1;
and(S1, G, S);
and(R1, G, R);
nor(Qn, S1, Q);
nor(Q, R1, Qn);
endmodule // sr_latch_gated