2018年6月17日 星期日

arduino Quick Links

Quick Links

Links to the most popular posts.

Bluetooth Modules

Bluetooth modules. A brief look at some different Bluetooth modules

General Bluetooth

A good beginners guide to getting started with Bluetooth by Nick Pyner


Updated HM-10 guide. A run through of the HM-10 and how you can use it.
Arduino, HM-10 and App Inventor 2. How to use the HM-10 with App Inventor 2.

HC-06 and HC-05 Bluetooth

FC-144 HC-05 and HC-06

Arduino + Visual Basic

Remote Control using Bluetooth and Android

Arduino To Arduino by Bluetooth

ESP8266 and the Arduino IDE

ESP8266-01 Programming Breakout Board. Includes 3.3 voltage regulator for power, voltage divider for RX and switches for reset and programming.
Basic connection guide.
ESP8266 + serial adaptor
Arduino to ESP8266 By Serial Communication
Arduino & ESP8266 Webserver. An old example of a webserver using AT commands, can be done but very clunky and slow. Much better to now use the Arduino IDE. Useful if you want to know what is happening behind the scenes when using a library.

Bare bones Arduino

Arduino, App inventor and Bluetooth Classic

Turning a LED on and off part 1. Basic LED control.
Turning a LED on and off part 2.. Now with 2 way control.
Turning a LED on and off part 3. 2 way control with 3 LEDs with 3 switches
arduinoBTcontrol. Various controls and events

App inventor and Bluetooth Classic



113 學年度第 1 學期 RFID應用課程 Arduino程式

113 學年度第 1 學期 RFID應用課程 Arduino程式 https://www.mediafire.com/file/zr0h0p3iosq12jw/MFRC522+(2).7z/file 內含修改過後的 MFRC522 程式庫 (原程式有錯誤) //定義MFRC522...