1. 在對流層(Troposphere) LOS通信時易受大氣的空氣密度,氣壓,氣溫,濕度(水氣),亂流等影響產生衰落(Fading)。
對流層(英文:Troposphere)是地球大氣層中最靠近地面的一層,也是地球大氣層裡密度最高的一層。它蘊含了整個大氣層約75%的質量,以及幾乎所有的水蒸氣及氣溶膠。對流層(0 km~7至11 km)
2.多重路徑傳播(Multipath propagation)影響產生衰落(Fading)。
3.Fading 分成 Slow Fading / Fast Fading 一般頻率愈高,通信距離越長發生Fading機率越大。
4. 為確保通信品質必須保持衰落限度(Fade Margin)30dB以上才能確保99.99%以上的可靠度。
5.可靠度99.99% 代表全年只能停止53分鐘,99.999%時全年只能停止32秒。
6.為確保通信的可靠度通常 設置備份機器 採用空間分集,頻率分集,極化分集或混合分集技術以提高通信的可靠度。
由於無線電波通過各個路徑的距離不同,因而透過各個路徑傳來的反射波,其到達時間將不儘相同,相位也就不同。不同相位的多個信號在接收端疊加,有時因疊加而加強(相位相同),有時因為疊加而減弱(相位相反),會導致接收信號的幅度急具變化而產生衰落或是完全消失的現象。這些多重路徑(Multi-Path)干擾造成的訊號衰減現象,將使通訊區域內出現許多盲目區域,在盲目區域內的完全無法接收到正常訊號,由於這個現象由物理學家Rayleigh最早提出,因此多重路徑干擾造成的訊號衰減又稱為「Rayleigh衰落(Rayleigh Fading)」。
Fast Fading
It varies quickly with the frequency. Fast fading originates due to effects of constructive and destructive interference patterns which is caused due to multipath.
Doppler spread leads to frequency dispersion and time selective fading.
Fast Fading results due to following:
➨High Doppler Spread
➨Coherence Time < Symbol Period
➨Channel impulse response changes rapidly within the symbol duration.
➨Occurs if Ts > Tc, Bs < BD
➨It occurs for very low data rates.
Slow Fading
It does not vary quickly with the frequency. It originates due to effect of mobility. It is result of signal path change due to shadowing and obstructions such as tree or buildings etc.
Slow Fading results due to following:
➨Low Doppler Spread
➨Coherence Time >> Symbol Period
➨Impulse response changes much slower than the transmitted signal.
➨It occurs if Ts << Tc, Bs >>BD
多路徑緩解 : OFDM | |