輸入 : DIP SW Data[7..0]
clk ---clock
,up_down ---up / down counter
,ena ---enable counter
,load : in std_logic; --load 8-bit Data in
data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --Data in
輸出 d0,d1七段顯示器 靜態方式 共陰極
: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) ---7-segment digit0 digit1
--with Preload & Enable 8 bit Counter
--input : Clock 48Mhz divide into 1Hz
--output : 2 digits 7-segment
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity Preload_CNT is
clk ---clock
,up_down ---up / down counter
,ena ---enable counter
,load : in std_logic; --load 8-bit Data in
data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --Data in
d0,d1 : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) ---7-segment digit0 digit1
end Preload_CNT;
architecture arch_count of Preload_CNT is
signal s0,s1: std_logic_vector (6 downto 0);
signal cnt : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal freq1: integer range 0 to 23999999 := 0;
signal hz1 : std_logic := '0';
component seg_d7 is
bin : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
seg7: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0)
end component;
process (clk)
if(clk'event and clk = '1') then
if(freq1 >= 23999999) then
freq1 <= 0;
hz1 <= not hz1;
freq1 <= freq1 + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process ;
process (hz1)
variable dir : integer ;
if (up_down='1') then
dir:=1 ; ----up counter
dir:=-1 ; ----down counter
end if;
if(hz1'event and hz1 = '1') then
if (load='1') then -----load data
cnt <= data_in ;
elsif (ena='1') then -----enable counter active
cnt <= cnt + dir ; ---up / down counter dir=1 /-1
end if;
end if;
end process;
u1:seg_d7 port map(cnt(7 downto 4),d1);
u0:seg_d7 port map(cnt(3 downto 0),d0);
end arch_count;
--Binary to 7segment
--7segment--> Common cathodee 7-segment display
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
ENTITY seg_d7 IS
bin : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
seg7 : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0)
END seg_d7;
ARCHITECTURE arch_seg_d7 OF seg_d7 IS
BEGIN --a,b,c,d,e,f,g---
seg7 <= "1111110" when bin="0000" else
"0110000" when bin="0001" else
"1101101" when bin="0010" else
"1111001" when bin="0011" else
"0110011" when bin="0100" else
"1011011" when bin="0101" else
"1011111" when bin="0110" else
"1110000" when bin="0111" else
"1111111" when bin="1000" else
"1111011" when bin="1001" else
"1110111" when bin="1010" else
"0011111" when bin="1011" else
"1001110" when bin="1100" else
"0111101" when bin="1101" else
"1001111" when bin="1110" else
"1000111" when bin="1111" else
--seg7 <= "0000001" when bin="0000" else
-- "1001111" when bin="0001" else
-- "0010010" when bin="0010" else
-- "0000110" when bin="0011" else
-- "1001100" when bin="0100" else
-- "0100100" when bin="0101" else
-- "0100000" when bin="0110" else
-- "0001111" when bin="0111" else
-- "0000000" when bin="1000" else
-- "0000100" when bin="1001" else
-- "0001000" when bin="1010" else
-- "1100000" when bin="1011" else
-- "0110001" when bin="1100" else
-- "1000010" when bin="1101" else
-- "0110000" when bin="1110" else
-- "0111000" when bin="1111" else
-- "1111111";
END arch_seg_d7 ;
To | Direction | Location | I/O Bank |
clk | Input | PIN_21 | 1 |
d0[6] | Output | PIN_37 | 4 |
d0[5] | Output | PIN_39 | 4 |
d0[4] | Output | PIN_41 | 4 |
d0[3] | Output | PIN_43 | 4 |
d0[2] | Output | PIN_45 | 4 |
d0[1] | Output | PIN_49 | 4 |
d0[0] | Output | PIN_51 | 4 |
d1[6] | Output | PIN_57 | 4 |
d1[5] | Output | PIN_59 | 4 |
d1[4] | Output | PIN_61 | 4 |
d1[3] | Output | PIN_63 | 4 |
d1[2] | Output | PIN_67 | 4 |
d1[1] | Output | PIN_69 | 4 |
d1[0] | Output | PIN_71 | 4 |
data_in[7] | Input | PIN_15 | 1 |
data_in[6] | Input | PIN_13 | 1 |
data_in[5] | Input | PIN_11 | 1 |
data_in[4] | Input | PIN_7 | 1 |
data_in[3] | Input | PIN_5 | 1 |
data_in[2] | Input | PIN_3 | 1 |
data_in[1] | Input | PIN_1 | 1 |
data_in[0] | Input | PIN_143 | 2 |
ena | Input | PIN_31 | 1 |
load | Input | PIN_29 | 1 |
up_down | Input | PIN_32 | 1 |