2017年3月9日 星期四

Simple Temperature and Humidity Webserver with NodeMCU


Simple Temperature and Humidity Webserver with NodeMCU

In this article, NodeMCU (ESP8266 with USB Connection) is used with DHT11 (with a shield) temperature and humidity sensor to implement a webserver that broadcasts ambient temperature and humidity. A simple Lua program to achieve the web server is also attached to the end of this article.
Barış Sanlı , barissanli2@gmail.com



113 學年度第 1 學期 RFID應用課程 Arduino程式

113 學年度第 1 學期 RFID應用課程 Arduino程式 https://www.mediafire.com/file/zr0h0p3iosq12jw/MFRC522+(2).7z/file 內含修改過後的 MFRC522 程式庫 (原程式有錯誤) //定義MFRC522...