2012年10月16日 星期二
P4-24 4對1多工器Verilog 程式 改寫成De2-70 實驗版適用
P4-24 4對1多工器Verilog 程式
module mux1x4 (SW, LEDR, LEDG);
input [17:0] SW; // toggle switches
output [17:0] LEDR; // red LEDS
output [7:0] LEDG; // green LEDs
//set original program input , output
wire y;
wire [1:0] s; //Select signal
wire [3:0] i;
//mapping to hardware
assign LEDR = SW;
//assing input to SW
assign i=SW[3:0];
assign s=SW[9:8];
bufif0 (y0, i[0], s[0]);
bufif1 (y0, i[1], s[0]);
bufif0 (y1, i[2], s[0]);
bufif1 (y1, i[3], s[0]);
bufif0 (y, y0, s[1]);
bufif1 (y, y1, s[1]);
assign LEDG[0]=y;
module mux4_1b_g(y, s, i);
// Port Declarations
output y; //output y
input [1:0] s; // Data in : a, b; Select: s
input [3:0] i;
//Internal signal declarations
wire y0, y1;
// Instantiates buffers
bufif0 (y0, i[0], s[0]);
bufif1 (y0, i[1], s[0]);
bufif0 (y1, i[2], s[0]);
bufif1 (y1, i[3], s[0]);
bufif0 (y, y0, s[1]);
bufif1 (y, y1, s[1]);
張貼留言 (Atom)
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