2012年10月22日 星期一

JK Flip Flop |

源自 http://www.bitsbyta.com/2011/04/verilog-code-for-jk-flip-flop-verilog.html

Verilog Code For JK Flip Flop | Verilog Example Codes

JK flip flop is an edge triggered storage element, which means that data is synchronized to an activeedge of clock cycle. The active edge may be a positive or negative. The data stored on active edge is conditional, which means it is dependent on the data present at the J and K inputs, whenever clock makes a transition at an active edge.

module jk_flip_flop(J, K, clk, Q);
          input J, K, clk;
         output Q;
         reg Q;
         reg Qm;

always @(posedge clk)

if(J == 1 && K == 0)
            Qm <= 1;

          else if(J == 0 && K == 1)

           Qm <= 0;

         else  if(J == 1 && K == 1)
Qm <= ~Qm;

Q <= Qm;




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