DB Browser for SQLite
依照作業系統選擇32bit 或64 bit
- DB Browser for SQLite - Standard installer for 32-bit Windows & Windows XP
- DB Browser for SQLite - .zip (no installer) for 32-bit Windows & Windows XP
- DB Browser for SQLite - Standard installer for 64-bit Windows
- DB Browser for SQLite - .zip (no installer) for 64-bit Windows
- DB Browser for SQLite - PortableApp
放D碟中 解壓縮 然後 執行 DB Browser for SQLite.exe

What it is
DB Browser for SQLite (DB4S) is a high quality, visual, open source tool to create, design, and edit database files compatible with SQLite.
DB4S is for users and developers who want to create, search, and edit databases. DB4S uses a familiar spreadsheet-like interface, and complicated SQL commands do not have to be learned.
Controls and wizards are available for users to:
- Create and compact database files
- Create, define, modify and delete tables
- Create, define, and delete indexes
- Browse, edit, add, and delete records
- Search records
- Import and export records as text
- Import and export tables from/to CSV files
- Import and export databases from/to SQL dump files
- Issue SQL queries and inspect the results
- Examine a log of all SQL commands issued by the application
- Plot simple graphs based on table or query data
Our latest release (3.11.2) for Windows:
- DB Browser for SQLite - Standard installer for 32-bit Windows & Windows XP
- DB Browser for SQLite - .zip (no installer) for 32-bit Windows & Windows XP
- DB Browser for SQLite - Standard installer for 64-bit Windows
- DB Browser for SQLite - .zip (no installer) for 64-bit Windows
- DB Browser for SQLite - PortableApp
Note - If for any reason the standard Windows release does not work (e.g. gives an error), try a nightly build (below).
Nightly builds often fix bugs reported after the last release. 😄