2020年2月11日 星期二

Design of Digital Circuits and Systems

ECE271, Winter 2020

Design of Digital Circuits and Systems

Prof. Scott Hauck

307Q, Office Hours by Appointment (send email w/schedule, or stop by)


Yuan Liao (liaoy4@uw.edu)
Sripathi Muralitharan (sripathi@uw.edu)
Shashank Vijaya Ranga (svijay97@uw.edu)

Lab Hours - EEB-361

Monday: 8:30 - 12:30, 4:20 - 7:30
Tuesday: 8:30 - 10:00, 10:30 - 11:45, 1:30 - 7:30
Wednesday: 8:30 - 12:30, 1:20 - 2:20, 4:20 - 7:30
Thursday: 8:30 - 12:30, 1:30 - 7:30
Friday: 10:30 - 1:30, 4:30 - 7:30


Yangyu Chen (cheny289@uw.edu)


Lecture Notes

You are strongly encourage to print these lecture notes and bring them to class. They are the slides that will be used in class, and will be useful as starting points for you as you take notes during class.
I will start every class (except exams) with a review problem, taken from the following set. I strongly recommend you print these out and bring them to class. BTW, these examples contain many problems that have been on previous exams, so they are good study aids. Doing the problems given at the beginning of class before class starts is a great way to be prepared for the exam.
Example Problems


Lab boards have been donated by Intel/Altera, Inc.
Here are the eight lab assignments for the quarter, along with their due dates. Labs 1-7 will be due during the week specified, during your demo slot (demo slot signup sheet will be posted in EE361). You should actually do the lab during the previous week. Lab #8 is due by 5pm on the date specified.
Lab 1 Lab start Jan 7, due Jan 14-17
Lab 2 Lab start Jan 14, due Jan 21-24
Lab 3 Lab start Jan 21, due Jan 28-31
Lab 4 Lab start Jan 28, due Feb 4-7
Lab 5 Lab start Feb 4, due Feb 11-14
Lab 6 Lab start Feb 11, due Feb 18-21
Lab 7 Lab start Feb 18, due Feb 25-28
Lab 8 Lab start Feb 25, due Mar 16, 5pm
The Quartus II tutorial, for labs #1 and #2, is here.
The Lab #1 files for Quartus are here.
Most of your labs will involve Verilog. The class Verilog tutorial is here. There is also a Verilog Quick Reference Card that may be of interest.

Labs on student machines

If you want to use your own Windows PC to do your labs, then grab the Quartus 17.0 files here.
If you are using a laptop, you can bring it to the lab for demos. If you are using your own desktop machine, or don't want to haul your laptop to lab, you can FTP your files to the lab machines. You may want to use Dropbox, Google Docs, or some other cloud storage account as an intermediate - upload the files from your machine to your Dropbox (for instance) account, then download the files to the lab PCs. It is easiest to just send the entire contents of your lab file, since you'll want the design files, schematics, project, etc. IF YOU ARE DOING THIS, TEST IT BEFORE YOUR DEMO TIME.

Lab #8 and DE1-SoC Peripherals

Although most lab #8 projects can be done with the base DE1 board, plus the optional 16x16 LED matrix board, the DE1-SoC has TONS of interesting peripherals available. Follow the link on this paragraph's title to get to a page with tutorials on the DE1-SoC I/Os that are supported, including System Verilog files to help you use them.


All homeworks are due by the end of class on the date given.
Homework 1, due January 21.
Homework 2, due January 28.
Homework 3, due February 4.
Homework 3a, due February 10. ** NO LATE HOMEWORK ACCEPTED **.
Homework 4, due February 11.

Solution Sets

Homework 1 solution.
Homework 2 solution.

Slide scans

Copies of the transparencies filled in during class can be found here.



There will be no class:
January 20 - MLK
February 18 - President's Day
The midterm will be Thursday, February 13, during class, in Anderson 223.
The final exam will be Thursday, March 19th, 8:30-10:20, in Anderson 223.
The scanned demo time sheet is here.
A sample exam is here.
The solution is here.

The class discussion board is here.
The class gradebook is here.



WOKWI ESP32 LED Control , Node-Red MQTT SQLITE  

WOKWI ESP32 LED Control ,  Node-Red  MQTT SQLITE   const char broker[] = "test.mosquitto.org" ; //const char broker[] = "br...