2020年1月31日 星期五

DE2-115 7-segments LED displays

DE2-115 7-segments LED displays

參考來源 https://www.fpga4fun.com/Opto3.html

//需 Import  pin assignments  DE2_115_pin_assignments

//The 7-segments display
module LED_7seg(
    input clk,
    output segA, segB, segC, segD, segE, segF, segG, segDP

// cnt is used as a prescaler
reg [23:0] cnt;
always @(posedge clk) cnt <= cnt+24'h1;
wire cntovf = &cnt;

// BCD is a counter that counts from 0 to 9
reg [3:0] BCD;
always @(posedge clk) if(cntovf) BCD <= (BCD==4'h9 ? 4'h0 : BCD+4'h1);

reg [7:0] SevenSeg;
always @(*)
    4'h0: SevenSeg = 8'b11111100;
    4'h1: SevenSeg = 8'b01100000;
    4'h2: SevenSeg = 8'b11011010;
    4'h3: SevenSeg = 8'b11110010;
    4'h4: SevenSeg = 8'b01100110;
    4'h5: SevenSeg = 8'b10110110;
    4'h6: SevenSeg = 8'b10111110;
    4'h7: SevenSeg = 8'b11100000;
    4'h8: SevenSeg = 8'b11111110;
    4'h9: SevenSeg = 8'b11110110;
    default: SevenSeg = 8'b00000000;

assign {segA, segB, segC, segD, segE, segF, segG, segDP} = SevenSeg;

module LED_7seg(
    input clk,
    output segA, segB, segC, segD, segE, segF, segG, segDP

reg [23:0] cnt;
always @(posedge clk) cnt <= cnt+24'h1;
wire cntovf = &cnt;

reg [3:0] BCD_new, BCD_old;
always @(posedge clk) if(cntovf) BCD_new <= (BCD_new==4'h9 ? 4'h0 : BCD_new+4'h1);
always @(posedge clk) if(cntovf) BCD_old <= BCD_new;

reg [4:0] PWM;
wire [3:0] PWM_input = cnt[22:19];
always @(posedge clk) PWM <= PWM[3:0]+PWM_input;
wire [3:0] BCD = (cnt[23] | PWM[4]) ? BCD_new : BCD_old;

reg [7:0] SevenSeg;
always @(*)
    4'h0: SevenSeg = 8'b11111100;
    4'h1: SevenSeg = 8'b01100000;
    4'h2: SevenSeg = 8'b11011010;
    4'h3: SevenSeg = 8'b11110010;
    4'h4: SevenSeg = 8'b01100110;
    4'h5: SevenSeg = 8'b10110110;
    4'h6: SevenSeg = 8'b10111110;
    4'h7: SevenSeg = 8'b11100000;
    4'h8: SevenSeg = 8'b11111110;
    4'h9: SevenSeg = 8'b11110110;
    default: SevenSeg = 8'b00000000;

assign {segA, segB, segC, segD, segE, segF, segG, segDP} = SevenSeg;
//需 Import  pin assignments  DE2_115_pin_assignments
module LED_7seg(
  input  CLOCK_50, // 50 MHz clock
  input  [3:0] KEY,      // Pushbutton[3:0]
  input  [17:0] SW, // Toggle Switch[17:0]
  output [6:0] HEX0,HEX1,HEX2,HEX3,HEX4,HEX5,HEX6,HEX7,  // Seven Segment Digits
  output [8:0] LEDG,  // LED Green
  output [17:0] LEDR,  // LED Red
  inout  [35:0] GPIO_0,GPIO_1, // GPIO Connections
// LCD Module 16X2
  output LCD_ON, // LCD Power ON/OFF
  output LCD_BLON, // LCD Back Light ON/OFF
  output LCD_RW, // LCD Read/Write Select, 0 = Write, 1 = Read
  output LCD_EN, // LCD Enable
  output LCD_RS, // LCD Command/Data Select, 0 = Command, 1 = Data
  inout [7:0] LCD_DATA, // LCD Data bus 8 bits
  input [2:0] mess, // MESSAGE STATUS (see lcd_test)
  input [1:0] isServer // SERVER STATUS (see lcd_test)

// All inout port turn to tri-state
assign GPIO_0  = 36'hzzzzzzzzz;
assign GPIO_1  = 36'hzzzzzzzzz;

// turn LCD ON
assign LCD_ON  = 1'b1;
assign LCD_BLON = 1'b1;

// blank unused 7-segment digits
// blank unused 7-segment digits
//assign HEX0 = 7'b111_1111;
assign HEX1 = 7'b111_1111;
assign HEX2 = 7'b111_1111;
//assign HEX3 = 7'b111_1111;
assign HEX4 = 7'b111_1111;
assign HEX5 = 7'b111_1111;
assign HEX6 = 7'b111_1111;
assign HEX7 = 7'b111_1111;

wire [7:0] segout0;   //HEX 0
wire [7:0] segout3;   //HEX 1

// cnt is used as a prescaler
reg [23:0] cnt;
always @(posedge CLOCK_50) cnt <= cnt+24'h1;
wire cntovf = &cnt;

// BCD is a counter that counts from 0 to 9
reg [3:0] BCD;
always @(posedge CLOCK_50) if(cntovf) BCD <= (BCD==4'h9 ? 4'h0 : BCD+4'h1);

//Finally let's try a "smooth" counter (fades each digit into then next).
reg [26:0] cnt1;
always @(posedge CLOCK_50) cnt1 <= cnt1+30'h1;
wire cntovf1 = &cnt1;

reg [3:0] BCD_new, BCD_old;
always @(posedge CLOCK_50) if(cntovf1) BCD_new <= (BCD_new==4'h9 ? 4'h0 : BCD_new+4'h1);
always @(posedge CLOCK_50) if(cntovf1) BCD_old <= BCD_new;

reg [4:0] PWM;
wire [3:0] PWM_input = cnt1[26:23];
always @(posedge CLOCK_50) PWM <= PWM[3:0]+PWM_input;
wire [3:0] BCD1 = (cnt1[26] | PWM[4]) ? BCD_new : BCD_old;

 _7seg UUT0(.hex((BCD[3:0])),.seg(segout0));
 _7seg UUT3(.hex((BCD1[3:0])),.seg(segout3));
 assign HEX0=segout0[6:0];
 assign HEX3=segout3[6:0];


//Common-cathod seven segment display
//using case.....endcase statement
//Filename : sevenseg_case.v
module _7seg(hex , seg);
    input  [3:0] hex;
    output [7:0] seg;
    reg    [7:0] seg;

 // segment encoding
 //      0
 //     ---
 //  5 |   | 1
 //     ---   <- 6
 //  4 |   | 2
 //     ---
 //      3
 always @(hex)
  case (hex)
       // Dot point is always disable
       4'b0001 : seg = 8'b11111001;   //1 = F9H
       4'b0010 : seg = 8'b10100100;   //2 = A4H
       4'b0011 : seg = 8'b10110000;   //3 = B0H
       4'b0100 : seg = 8'b10011001;   //4 = 99H
       4'b0101 : seg = 8'b10010010;   //5 = 92H
       4'b0110 : seg = 8'b10000010;   //6 = 82H
       4'b0111 : seg = 8'b11111000;   //7 = F8H
       4'b1000 : seg = 8'b10000000;   //8 = 80H
       4'b1001 : seg = 8'b10010000;   //9 = 90H
       4'b1010 : seg = 8'b10001000;   //A = 88H
       4'b1011 : seg = 8'b10000011;   //b = 83H
       4'b1100 : seg = 8'b11000110;   //C = C6H
       4'b1101 : seg = 8'b10100001;   //d = A1H
       4'b1110 : seg = 8'b10000110;   //E = 86H
       4'b1111 : seg = 8'b10001110;   //F = 8EH
       default : seg = 8'b11000000;   //0 = C0H





作業2 MQTT (Relay + DHT22) 控制 ------- 利用Node-Red

作業2 MQTT (Relay + DHT22) 控制 ------- 利用Node-Red 1) 安裝Node-Red  https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/articles/10201795 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v...