2018年1月8日 星期一

Python: Input an integer (n) and computes the value of n+nn+nnn

Python: Input an integer (n) and computes the value of n+nn+nnn

Python Basic: Exercise-10 with Solution

Write a Python program that accepts an integer (n) and computes the value of n+nn+nnn.
Sample value of n is 5
Python int(x, base=10):
The function returns an integer object constructed from a number or string x, or return 0 if no arguments are given. If x is a number, return x.__int__(). For floating point numbers, this truncates towards zero.
  • If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string, bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in radix base
  • The literal can be preceded by + or - (with no space in between) and surrounded by whitespace
  • A base-n literal consists of the digits 0 to n-1, with a to z (or A to Z) having values 10 to 35. The default base is 10.
  • The allowed values are 0 and 2-36. Base-2, -8, and -16 literals can be optionally prefixed with 0b/0B, 0o/0O, or 0x/0X, as with integer literals in code.
Sample Solution :-

a = int(input("Input an integer n : "))
n1 = int( "%s" % a )
n2 = int( "%s%s" % (a,a) )
n3 = int( "%s%s%s" % (a,a,a) )
print('n+nn+nnn = ' ,end='')
print (n1+n2+n3)

=========== RESTART: F:/Python_APSC/py-ex-basic-10.py ============
Input an integer n : 7
n+nn+nnn = 861



第一次 作業 1219 ,RFID應用(四技日間部),國秀樓302教室, [選,3, 3], 四電三選7

 第一次  作業 1219 ,RFID應用(四技日間部),國秀樓302教室, [選,3, 3], 四電三選7  https://www.mediafire.com 超連結下載 https://www.mediafire.com/file/e297c5zkqaplo7z/RFID%...