2018年1月8日 星期一

Python: Display a sample examination schedule

Python: Display a sample examination schedule

Python Basic: Exercise-9 with Solution

Write a Python program to display the examination schedule. (extract the date from exam_st_date).
exam_st_date = (11, 12, 2014)
Sample Output: The examination will start from : 11 / 12 / 2014
Sample Solution:-
exam_st_date = (11,12,2014)
print( "The examination will start from : %i / %i / %i"%exam_st_date)

=========== RESTART: F:/Python_APSC/py-ex-basic-9.py ============
The examination will start from : 11 / 12 / 2014



第一次 作業 1219 ,RFID應用(四技日間部),國秀樓302教室, [選,3, 3], 四電三選7

 第一次  作業 1219 ,RFID應用(四技日間部),國秀樓302教室, [選,3, 3], 四電三選7  https://www.mediafire.com 超連結下載 https://www.mediafire.com/file/e297c5zkqaplo7z/RFID%...