2021年4月22日 星期四

HBLbits_Verilog Basic_Gates

HBLbits_Verilog Basic_Gates 

There are 7 outputs, each with a logic gate driving it:

  • out_and: a and b
  • out_or: a or b
  • out_xor: a xor b
  • out_nand: a nand b
  • out_nor: a nor b
  • out_xnor: a xnor b
  • out_anotb: a and-not b

module top_module( 
    input a, b,
    output out_and,
    output out_or,
    output out_xor,
    output out_nand,
    output out_nor,
    output out_xnor,
    output out_anotb
assign out_and  = a & b ;
    assign out_or   = a | b ;
    assign out_xor  = a ^ b ;
    assign out_nand =  ~(a&b) ;
    assign out_nor  =  ~(a|b) ;
    assign out_xnor  = ~(a^b) ;
    assign out_anotb =  a & (~b) ; //a and-not b



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