HBLbits_Verilog Basic_Dff8p
Create 8 D flip-flops with active high synchronous reset. The flip-flops must be reset to 0x34 rather than zero. All DFFs should be triggered by the negative edge of clk.
HBLbits_Verilog Basic_Dff8p
Create 8 D flip-flops with active high synchronous reset. The flip-flops must be reset to 0x34 rather than zero. All DFFs should be triggered by the negative edge of clk.
2024_09 作業3 (以Node-Red 為主 Arduino 可能需要配合修改 ) Arduino 可能需要修改的部分 1)mqtt broker 2) 主題Topic (發行 接收) 3) WIFI ssid , password const char br...