2014年6月3日 星期二

Verilog Wires


Verilog: Internal signals of an AOI gate module
// Verilog code for AND-OR-INVERT gate
module AOI (input A, B, C, D, output F);
  wire F;  // the default
  wire AB, CD, O;  // necessary

  assign AB = A & B;
  assign CD = C & D;
  assign O = AB | CD;
  assign F = ~O;
// end of Verilog code

Wire Declarations

wire AB, CD, O;

wire AB, CD;
wire O;

Continuous Assignments

assign AB = A & B;
assign CD = C & D;
assign O = AB | CD;
assign F = ~O;
In this module body, there are four continuous assignment statements. These statements are independent and executed concurrently. They are not necessarily executed in the order in which they are written. This does not affect the functionality of the design. Suppose assign AB = A & B; changes value. This causes B to be evaluated. If AB changes as a result then assign O = AB | CD; is evaluated. If O changes value then assign F = ~O; will be evaluated; possibly the output of the module will change due to a change on B.



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