2014年6月6日 星期五

EECS 452: Digital Signal Processing Design Laboratory---- Lecture 5: FPGAs and Verilog. pdf.


EECS 452: Digital Signal Processing Design Laboratory

Winter 2014 - Lecture in EECS 1003, Labs EECS 4341

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Homework, Labs and Project related information can be found under Homework/Projects.

Lecture notes

Note: notes are subject to minor changes right up until the lecture starts!
  • Lecture 1: Class introduction, DSP review. pdf. (Lyons book: Chapter 1)
  • Lecture 2: DSP review, filters, DDS. pdf. (Lyons book: Chapters 2, 3, 5 & 6.)
  • Lecture 3: Number representation; fixed point arithmetic. pdf.
  • Lecture 4: Gate level arithmetic. pdf.
  • Lecture 5: FPGAs and Verilog. pdf.
  • Project team formation: Project hardware possibilities. pdf.
  • Lecture 6: ADC, rounding and quantization pdf.
  • Lecture 7: DAC, oversampling and equalization pdf.
  • Lecture 8: FIR and IIR filter design, quantization. pdf. (Lyons book: Chapters 5 & 6.)
  • Lecture 9: FIR and IIR filter design continued, roundoff and overflow. pdf. (Lyons book: Chapters 5 & 6.)
  • Lecture 10: DFT, FFT and leakage. pdf. (Lyons book: Chapters 3& 4.)
  • Lecture 11: More on DFT, leakage, windowing. pdf. (Lyons book: Chapters 3& 4.)
  • Lecture 12: Midterm review. pdf.
  • Lecture 13: Guest lecture by Matthew Gibson from Center for Entrepreneurship. pdf.
  • Lecture 14: Probability, random signals, and over-sampling. pdf.
  • Lecture 15: Guest lecture by Prof. Clay Scott on wavelets. pdf.
  • Lecture 16: Sigma-Delta ADC and DAC. pdf.
  • Lecture 16b: MSP430, etc. pdf.
  • Lecture 17: Making posters for the Design Expo. pdf.
  • Lecture 17b: Transfer functions. pdf.

TI support documents

C5515_algebra_ISRef.pdf -- C55x v3.x CPU Algebraic Instruction Set Reference Guide.
C5515_Mnuemonic_ISRef.pdf -- C55x v3.x CPU Mnemonic Instruction Set Reference Guide.
C55x_Assmbly_Lang_guide.pdf -- TMS320C55x Assembly Language Tools User's Guide.
C55x_Compiler_Opt_guide.pdf -- TMS320C55x Optimizing C/C++ Compiler User's Guide.
AIC3204.pdf -- Ultra Low Power Stereo Audio Codec, TLV320AIC3204.
LCD_Data_Sheet.pdf -- SSD1306 Advance Information.
C5515_FDK_Windows_guide.pdf -- TMS320C5515 Fingerprint Development Kit (FDK) Windows Program User's Guide.
TMS320C5515_FDK_Software_guide.pdf -- TMS320C5515 Fingerprint Development Kit (FDK) Software Guide User's Guide.
C5515_DSP_CPU_guide.pdf -- C55x v3.x CPU Reference Guide.
C5515_DSP_Lib_guide.pdf -- TMS320C55x DSP Library Programmers Reference.
C5515_DSP_System_guide.pdf -- C5515 DSP System User's Guide.
tms320c5515.pdf -- C5515 Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor.
usbstk5515_TechRef_RevA.pdf -- C5515 eZdspTM USB Stick Technical Reference.
usbstk5515_emif_guide.pdf -- C5515/14/05/04 DSP External Memory Interface (EMIF) User's Guide.
usbstk5515_i2s_guide.pdf -- C5515/14/05/04 DSP Inter-IC Sound (I2S) Bus User's Guide.
usbstk5515_rtc_guide.pdf -- C5515/14/05/04 DSP Real-Time Clock (RTC) User's Guide.
usbstk5515_sar_guide.pdf -- C5515/05/VC05 DSP Successive Approximation Register (SAR) Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) User's Guide.
C5515_gpio_guide.pdf -- C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 DSP General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO).
C5515_i2c_guide.pdf -- C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 DSP Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Peripheral User's Guide.
C5515_MMC_SD_guide.pdf -- C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 DSP Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card Controller Reference Guide.
usbstk5515_Schematics_RevA.pdf -- C5515 EZDSP MODULE.
usbstk5515_spi_guide.pdf -- C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 DSP Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) User's Guide
usbstk5515_timer_watchdog_guide.pdf -- TMS320C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 DSP Timer/Watchdog Timer User's Guide.
usbstk5515_uart_guide.pdf -- C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 DSP Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) User's Guide.
usbstk5515_usb_guide.pdf -- C5515/14/05/04 DSP Universal Serial Bus 2.0 (USB) Controller User's Guide.
STK_LCD_user_guide.pdf -- C5515/05/VC05 DSP Liquid Crystal Display Controller (LCDC) User's Guide.
C5515_DMA_Controller_guide.pdf -- C5515/14/05/04 DSP Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller. 

Project proposal and final report template

  • Written project proposal template doc file.
  • Final project report template doc file
  • Self assessment report template doc file
  • Other handouts

    Note: many of the handouts below are dated and/or refer to older labs and lab set-ups. But certain groups will still find them useful for their projects.

    Online references

    • Tutorials on digital logic
      • "Play hookey.com" (.html) .
      • "Lecture notes for digital electronics," R. Frey (.pdf)
    • Walt Kester's Tutorials
      • "ADC Architectures II: Sigma-Delta ADC advanced concepts and applications," W. Kester[ (.pdf)
      • "ADC Architectures III: Sigma-Delta ADC advanced concepts and applications," W. Kester[ (.pdf)
      • "ADC Architectures IV: Sigma-Delta ADC advanced concepts and applications," W. Kester[ (.pdf)

    Application Notes

    • "ADC Definitions and specifications," Freescale Semiconductor AN2438/D application notes, 2003. (.pdf)
    • "Equalizing Techniques Flatten DAC Frequency Response," MAXIM, Application Note 3853, 2006. (.html)

    Papers (New W 2011)

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    References / Notes / Handouts | Homework | Exams



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