2020年4月23日 星期四

4-bit 3 to 1 multiplexer with priority

4-bit 3 to 1 multiplexer with priority

//4-bit 3 to 1 multiplexer with priority
module MUX_3x1_Priority(y, sel, a, b, c);

input [2:0] sel;
input [3:0] a, b, c;
output reg [3:0] y;

always @ (sel or a or b or c)
  casez (sel)
   3'bzz1 : y=a;
   3'bz10 : y=b;
   3'b100 : y=c;
   default : y=4'bzzzz;

// 時間單位 1ns, 時間精確度10 ps
`timescale 10ns/10ps 
module TB;
module MUX_3x1_Priority(y, sel, a, b, c);
input [2:0] sel;
input [3:0] a, b, c;
output reg [3:0] y;

// Inputs
    reg [2:0] sel;
    reg [3:0] a;
    reg [3:0] b;
    reg [3:0] c;

// Outputs
    wire [3:0] y;

// Instantiate the UUT
MUX_3x1_Priority UUT (.y(y), .sel(sel), .a(a), .b(b), .c(c));

// Montoring signals
initial $monitor($time, "y=%h, sel=%b, a=%h, b=%h, c=%h", y, sel, a, b, c);

// Initialize Inputs
initial begin
  sel = 3'b000;
  a = 4'b0000;
  b = 4'b1010;
  c = 4'b1111;

  #10 sel = sel + 3'h1;

 initial #80 $finish; //Complete simulation after 160 units




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