2012年11月3日 星期六

字序比對設計法Sequence Recognizer

Example:  Sequence Recognizer

How to Design States

ãCircuit has input, X, and output, Z
ãRecognizes sequence 1101 on X
lSpecifically, if X has been 110 and next bit is 1, make Z high

ãStates remember past history
lClearly must remember weve seen 110 when next 1 comes along
lTell me one necessary state for this example?

1)Beginning State

ãStart state:  let’s call it A

lif 1 appears on input, move to next state B  output remains at 0 


New state, C

ãTo reach C, must have seen 11


If 110 has been received, go to D

ãNext 1 will generate a 1 on output Z


What happens to arrow on right?

ãMust go to some state.


Here we have to interpret the problem statement
ãWe’ve just seen 01
lIs this beginning of new 1101?
lOr do we need to start over w/ another 1?
ãTextbook:  decides that it’s beginning (01…)


Well, must have every possibility out of every state
ãIn this case, just two: X = 0 or 1
ãYou fill in other cases



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