2012年11月1日 星期四

P11-10 8bit X 8bit 移位式乘法器 適用於DE2-70

P11-10 8bit X 8bit 移位式乘法器 適用於DE2-70
結果顯示於 7-seg Display HEX0---HEX4
255x255 =65025 


module multiplier(a,b, ab);
input [3:0] a,b;
output [7:0] ab;

wire [3:0] t0,t1,t2,t3;

assign t0 = (b[0]==1) ? a : 4'h0;
assign t1 = (b[1]==1) ? a : 4'h0;
assign t2 = (b[2]==1) ? a : 4'h0;
assign t3 = (b[3]==1) ? a : 4'h0;

assign ab=t0+(t1<<1)+(t2<<2)+(t3<<3);



module ex2(SW, LEDR, LEDG , CLOCK_27 ,KEY ,HEX0 ,HEX1 ,HEX2,HEX3 ,HEX4 );

input  [17:0] SW; // toggle switches
input  [3:0] KEY;     // Push bottom
input  CLOCK_27; //Clock 27MHz , 50Mhz

output [17:0] LEDR; // red  LEDS   
  output [8:0] LEDG; // green LEDs
    output [6:0] HEX0,HEX1,HEX2,HEX3 ,HEX4; //7-segment display
wire [7:0] segout0;   //HEX 0
    wire [7:0] segout1;   //HEX 1
wire [7:0] segout2;   //HEX 2
    wire [7:0] segout3;   //HEX 3
wire [7:0] segout4;   //HEX 4
reg  [3:0] ten_thousand_t;
reg  [3:0] thousand_t;
reg  [3:0] hundred_t;
reg  [3:0] tens_t;
reg  [3:0] ones_t;

//set original program input , output 

//(a,b, ab);
//input [7:0] a,b;
//output [15:0] ab;

wire [7:0] a,b;
    reg  [15:0] ab;

assign a=SW[7:0];

assign b=SW[15:8];

assign LEDR=SW[15:0];

reg [7:0] t0,t1,t2,t3;
reg [7:0] t4,t5,t6,t7;

always @(a or b)
t0 <= (b[0]==1) ? a : 4'h0;
t1 <= (b[1]==1) ? a : 4'h0;
t2 <= (b[2]==1) ? a : 4'h0;
t3 <= (b[3]==1) ? a : 4'h0;
t4 <= (b[4]==1) ? a : 4'h0;
t5 <= (b[5]==1) ? a : 4'h0;
t6 <= (b[6]==1) ? a : 4'h0;
t7 <= (b[7]==1) ? a : 4'h0;

ab <= (t0+(t1<<1)+(t2<<2)+(t3<<3)+(t4<<4)+(t5<<5)+(t6<<6)+(t7<<7));


// module _16bit_BIN2BCD(Binary ,ones ,tens , hundred, thousand, ten_thousand);

     _16bit_BIN2BCD (ab,ones_t,tens_t,hundred_t,thousand_t,ten_thousand_t);

_7seg UUT0(.hex(ones_t),
    _7seg UUT1(.hex(tens_t),
    _7seg UUT2(.hex(hundred_t),
    _7seg UUT3(.hex(thousand_t),
    _7seg UUT4(.hex(ten_thousand_t),
    assign HEX0=segout0[6:0];
    assign HEX1=segout1[6:0];
assign HEX2=segout2[6:0];
    assign HEX3=segout3[6:0];
assign HEX4=segout4[6:0];

task _16bit_BIN2BCD;

//(Binary,ones,tens, hundred, thousand, ten_thousand);


If any column (10000'S, 1000'S ,100's, 10's, 1's, etc.) is 5 or greater, add 3 to that column.
Shift all #'s to the left 1 position.
If 8 shifts have been performed, it's done! Evaluate each column for the BCD values.
Go to step 1.


input [15:0] Binary ;
output   [3:0] ones;
output   [3:0] tens;
output   [3:0] hundred;
output   [3:0] thousand;
output   [3:0] ten_thousand;

reg   [3:0] ones;
reg   [3:0] tens;
reg   [3:0] hundred;
reg   [3:0] thousand;
reg   [3:0] ten_thousand;

integer i;

// always @ (Binary)
 //set 4'd0 

for (i=15;i>=0;i=i-1)
  if (ten_thousand>=5)
      ten_thousand = ten_thousand +3;
  if (thousand>=5)
      thousand = thousand +3;
  if (hundred>=5)
      hundred = hundred +3;
  if  (tens>=5)
      tens = tens +3;  
  if  (ones>=5)
      ones = ones +3; 
  // shift left 1 bit
     ten_thousand = ten_thousand <<1;
     ten_thousand[0]= thousand[3];
     thousand = thousand <<1;
     thousand[0]= hundred[3];
     hundred = hundred <<1;
     hundred[0]= tens[3];
     tens = tens<<1;
     tens[0]= ones[3];
     ones = ones<<1;
     ones[0]= Binary[i]; 




//Common-cathod seven segment display
//using case.....endcase statement
//Filename : sevenseg_case.v
module _7seg(hex , seg);
    input  [3:0] hex;
    output [7:0] seg;
    reg    [7:0] seg;

// segment encoding
//      0
//     ---  
//  5 |   | 1
//     ---   <- 6
//  4 |   | 2
//     ---
//      3
always @(hex)
case (hex)
       // Dot point is always disable
       4'b0001 : seg = 8'b11111001;   //1 = F9H
       4'b0010 : seg = 8'b10100100;   //2 = A4H
       4'b0011 : seg = 8'b10110000;   //3 = B0H
       4'b0100 : seg = 8'b10011001;   //4 = 99H
       4'b0101 : seg = 8'b10010010;   //5 = 92H
       4'b0110 : seg = 8'b10000010;   //6 = 82H
       4'b0111 : seg = 8'b11111000;   //7 = F8H
       4'b1000 : seg = 8'b10000000;   //8 = 80H
       4'b1001 : seg = 8'b10010000;   //9 = 90H
       4'b1010 : seg = 8'b10001000;   //A = 88H
       4'b1011 : seg = 8'b10000011;   //b = 83H
       4'b1100 : seg = 8'b11000110;   //C = C6H
       4'b1101 : seg = 8'b10100001;   //d = A1H
       4'b1110 : seg = 8'b10000110;   //E = 86H
       4'b1111 : seg = 8'b10001110;   //F = 8EH
       default : seg = 8'b11000000;   //0 = C0H



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