C語言 例題5-1利用 Euler尤拉 修正近似法 解一階常微分方程ODE y' = -y+x+1 0<= x <= 1 , y(0)=1 , h=0.2
/*Define the RHS of the first order differential equation here(Ex: dy/dx=f(x,y)) */
double f(double x, double y){
return -y+x+1;
double predict(double x, double y, double h)
// value of next y(predicted) is returned
double y1p = y + h * f(x, y);
return y1p;
// using Modified Euler method
double correct(double x, double y, double x1, double y1,double h)
// (x, y) are of previous step
// and x1 is the increased x for next step
// and y1 is predicted y for next step
double e = 0.00001;
double y1c = y1;
do {
y1 = y1c;
y1c = y + 0.5 * h * (f(x, y) + f(x1, y1));
} while (fabs(y1c - y1) > e);
// every iteration is correcting the value
// of y using average slope
return y1c;
int main()
// here x and y are the initial
// given condition, so x=0 and y=15
double x = 0, y = 1;
// final value of x for which y is needed
double xn = 1;
// step size
double h = 0.2;
int i=1;
while (x < xn) {
double x1 = x + h;
double y1p = predict(x, y, h);
double y1c = correct(x, y, x1, y1p, h);
printf("Euler Modified method----The value of y , at x = %2.2lf is :%2.4lf\n" ,x1 ,y1c);
x = x1;
y = y1c;
return 0;
Euler Modified method----The value of y , at x = 0.20 is :1.0182
Euler Modified method----The value of y , at x = 0.40 is :1.0694
Euler Modified method----The value of y , at x = 0.60 is :1.1477
Euler Modified method----The value of y , at x = 0.80 is :1.2481
Euler Modified method----The value of y , at x = 1.00 is :1.3666
張貼留言 (Atom)
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