源自 http://www.asic-world.com/verilog/operators1.html#Logical_Operators
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Example | ||||||||||||||
1 module arithmetic_operators(); 2 3 initial begin 4 $display (" 5 + 10 = %d", 5 + 10); 5 $display (" 5 - 10 = %d", 5 - 10); 6 $display (" 10 - 5 = %d", 10 - 5); 7 $display (" 10 * 5 = %d", 10 * 5); 8 $display (" 10 / 5 = %d", 10 / 5); 9 $display (" 10 / -5 = %d", 10 / -5); 10 $display (" 10 %s 3 = %d","%", 10 % 3); 11 $display (" +5 = %d", +5); 12 $display (" -5 = %d", -5); 13 #10 $finish; 14 end 15 16 endmoduleYou could download file arithmetic_operators.v here | ||||||||||||||
5 + 10 = 15
5 - 10 = -5
10 - 5 = 5
10 * 5 = 50
10 / 5 = 2
10 / -5 = -2
10 % 3 = 1
+5 = 5
-5 = -5
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Relational Operators | ||||||||||||||
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Note: If any operand is x or z, then the result of that test is treated as false (0)
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Example | ||||||||||||||
1 module relational_operators(); 2 3 initial begin 4 $display (" 5 <= 10 = %b", (5 <= 10)); 5 $display (" 5 >= 10 = %b", (5 >= 10)); 6 $display (" 1'bx <= 10 = %b", (1'bx <= 10)); 7 $display (" 1'bz <= 10 = %b", (1'bz <= 10)); 8 #10 $finish; 9 end 10 11 endmoduleYou could download file relational_operators.v here | ||||||||||||||
5 <= 10 = 1
5 >= 10 = 0
1'bx <= 10 = x
1'bz <= 10 = x
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Equality Operators | ||||||||||||||
There are two types of Equality operators. Case Equality and Logical Equality.
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Note : The result is always 0 or 1.
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Example | ||||||||||||||
1 module equality_operators(); 2 3 initial begin 4 // Case Equality 5 $display (" 4'bx001 === 4'bx001 = %b", (4'bx001 === 4'bx001)); 6 $display (" 4'bx0x1 === 4'bx001 = %b", (4'bx0x1 === 4'bx001)); 7 $display (" 4'bz0x1 === 4'bz0x1 = %b", (4'bz0x1 === 4'bz0x1)); 8 $display (" 4'bz0x1 === 4'bz001 = %b", (4'bz0x1 === 4'bz001)); 9 // Case Inequality 10 $display (" 4'bx0x1 !== 4'bx001 = %b", (4'bx0x1 ! == 4'bx001)); 11 $display (" 4'bz0x1 !== 4'bz001 = %b", (4'bz0x1 ! == 4'bz001)); 12 // Logical Equality 13 $display (" 5 == 10 = %b", (5 == 10)); 14 $display (" 5 == 5 = %b", (5 == 5)); 15 // Logical Inequality 16 $display (" 5 != 5 = %b", (5 ! = 5)); 17 $display (" 5 != 6 = %b", (5 ! = 6)); 18 #10 $finish; 19 end 20 21 endmoduleYou could download file equality_operators.v here | ||||||||||||||
4'bx001 === 4'bx001 = 1
4'bx0x1 === 4'bx001 = 0
4'bz0x1 === 4'bz0x1 = 1
4'bz0x1 === 4'bz001 = 0
4'bx0x1 !== 4'bx001 = 1
4'bz0x1 !== 4'bz001 = 1
5 == 10 = 0
5 == 5 = 1
5 != 5 = 0
5 != 6 = 1
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Logical Operators | ||||||||||||||
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Example | ||||||||||||||
1 module logical_operators(); 2 3 initial begin 4 // Logical AND 5 $display ("1'b1 && 1'b1 = %b", (1'b1 && 1'b1)); 6 $display ("1'b1 && 1'b0 = %b", (1'b1 && 1'b0)); 7 $display ("1'b1 && 1'bx = %b", (1'b1 && 1'bx)); 8 // Logical OR 9 $display ("1'b1 || 1'b0 = %b", (1'b1 || 1'b0)); 10 $display ("1'b0 || 1'b0 = %b", (1'b0 || 1'b0)); 11 $display ("1'b0 || 1'bx = %b", (1'b0 || 1'bx)); 12 // Logical Negation 13 $display ("! 1'b1 = %b", ( ! 1'b1)); 14 $display ("! 1'b0 = %b", ( ! 1'b0)); 15 #10 $finish; 16 end 17 18 endmoduleYou could download file logical_operators.v here | ||||||||||||||
1'b1 && 1'b1 = 1
1'b1 && 1'b0 = 0
1'b1 && 1'bx = x
1'b1 || 1'b0 = 1
1'b0 || 1'b0 = 0
1'b0 || 1'bx = x
! 1'b1 = 0
! 1'b0 = 1
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Bit-wise Operators | ||||||||||||||
Bitwise operators perform a bit wise operation on two operands. They take each bit in one operand and perform the operation with the corresponding bit in the other operand. If one operand is shorter than the other, it will be extended on the left side with zeroes to match the length of the longer operand.
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Example | ||||||||||||||
1 module bitwise_operators(); 2 3 initial begin 4 // Bit Wise Negation 5 $display (" ~4'b0001 = %b", (~4'b0001)); 6 $display (" ~4'bx001 = %b", (~4'bx001)); 7 $display (" ~4'bz001 = %b", (~4'bz001)); 8 // Bit Wise AND 9 $display (" 4'b0001 & 4'b1001 = %b", (4'b0001 & 4'b1001)); 10 $display (" 4'b1001 & 4'bx001 = %b", (4'b1001 & 4'bx001)); 11 $display (" 4'b1001 & 4'bz001 = %b", (4'b1001 & 4'bz001)); 12 // Bit Wise OR 13 $display (" 4'b0001 | 4'b1001 = %b", (4'b0001 | 4'b1001)); 14 $display (" 4'b0001 | 4'bx001 = %b", (4'b0001 | 4'bx001)); 15 $display (" 4'b0001 | 4'bz001 = %b", (4'b0001 | 4'bz001)); 16 // Bit Wise XOR 17 $display (" 4'b0001 ^ 4'b1001 = %b", (4'b0001 ^ 4'b1001)); 18 $display (" 4'b0001 ^ 4'bx001 = %b", (4'b0001 ^ 4'bx001)); 19 $display (" 4'b0001 ^ 4'bz001 = %b", (4'b0001 ^ 4'bz001)); 20 // Bit Wise XNOR 21 $display (" 4'b0001 ~^ 4'b1001 = %b", (4'b0001 ~^ 4'b1001)); 22 $display (" 4'b0001 ~^ 4'bx001 = %b", (4'b0001 ~^ 4'bx001)); 23 $display (" 4'b0001 ~^ 4'bz001 = %b", (4'b0001 ~^ 4'bz001)); 24 #10 $finish; 25 end 26 27 endmoduleYou could download file bitwise_operators.v here | ||||||||||||||
~4'b0001 = 1110
~4'bx001 = x110
~4'bz001 = x110
4'b0001 & 4'b1001 = 0001
4'b1001 & 4'bx001 = x001
4'b1001 & 4'bz001 = x001
4'b0001 | 4'b1001 = 1001
4'b0001 | 4'bx001 = x001
4'b0001 | 4'bz001 = x001
4'b0001 ^ 4'b1001 = 1000
4'b0001 ^ 4'bx001 = x000
4'b0001 ^ 4'bz001 = x000
4'b0001 ~^ 4'b1001 = 0111
4'b0001 ~^ 4'bx001 = x111
4'b0001 ~^ 4'bz001 = x111