2012年10月28日 星期日

P6-44 8x3 Priority Encoder 適用於DE2-70

P6-44 8x3 Priority Encoder 適用於DE2-70 

並配合HEX0 7-segment display

Priority Encoder

The Priority Encoder solves the problems mentioned above by allocating a priority level to each input. The priority encoders output corresponds to the currently active input which has the highest priority. So when an input with a higher priority is present, all other inputs with a lower priority will be ignored. The priority encoder comes in many different forms with an example of an 8-input priority encoder along with its truth table shown below.

8-to-3 Bit Priority Encoder

priority Encoder
Priority encoders are available in standard IC form and the TTL 74LS148 is an 8-to-3 bit priority encoder which has eight active LOW (logic "0") inputs and provides a 3-bit code of the highest ranked input at its output. Priority encoders output the highest order input first for example, if input lines "D2", "D3" and "D5" are applied simultaneously the output code would be for input "D5" ("101") as this has the highest order out of the 3 inputs. Once input "D5" had been removed the next highest output code would be for input "D3" ("011"), and so on.
The truth table for a 8-to-3 bit priority encoder is given as:
Digital InputsBinary Output
From this truth table, the Boolean expression for the encoder above with inputs D0 to D7 and outputsQ0, Q1, Q2 is given as:
Output Q0
Priority Encoder Q0 output
Output Q1
Priority Encoder Q1 output
Output Q2
Priority Encoder Q2 output
Then the final Boolean expression for the priority encoder including the zero inputs is defined as:
Priority Encoder output expression

//8 to 3 encoder using casex statement
//Filename : encod8_3_casex.v

module encode_8x3(SW, LEDR, LEDG , CLOCK_27 ,KEY ,HEX0 ,HEX1 ,HEX2,HEX3 );

input  [17:0] SW; // toggle switches
input  [7:0] KEY;     // Push bottom
input  CLOCK_27; //Clock 27MHz , 50Mhz

output [17:0] LEDR; // red  LEDS   
  output [7:0] LEDG; // green LEDs
    output [6:0] HEX0,HEX1,HEX2,HEX3; //7-segment display
//set original program input , output 

//output [2:0] y;
//input [7:0] i;

reg [2:0] y;
    wire [7:0] i;
    wire [7:0] segout;
    //mapping to hardware 
    assign LEDR = SW;
    assign i=SW[7:0];

always @ (i)
casex (i)
8'b???????1: y = 3'd000;
8'b??????10: y = 3'd001;
8'b?????100: y = 3'd010;
8'b????1000: y = 3'd011;
8'b???10000: y = 3'd100;
8'b??100000: y = 3'd101;
8'b?1000000: y = 3'd110;
8'b10000000: y = 3'd111;
default :    y=3'bzzz;

assign LEDG[2:0]=y ;

   //module _7seg(hex , seg);
    _7seg UUT1(.hex({1'b0,y}),
    assign HEX0=segout[6:0];

//Common-cathod seven segment display
//using case.....endcase statement
//Filename : sevenseg_case.v
module _7seg(hex , seg);

    input  [3:0] hex;
    output [7:0] seg;
    reg    [7:0] seg;

// segment encoding
//      0
//     ---  
//  5 |   | 1
//     ---   <- 6
//  4 |   | 2
//     ---
//      3

always @(hex)
case (hex)
       // Dot point is always disable
       4'b0001 : seg = 8'b11111001;   //1 = F9H
       4'b0010 : seg = 8'b10100100;   //2 = A4H
       4'b0011 : seg = 8'b10110000;   //3 = B0H
       4'b0100 : seg = 8'b10011001;   //4 = 99H
       4'b0101 : seg = 8'b10010010;   //5 = 92H
       4'b0110 : seg = 8'b10000010;   //6 = 82H
       4'b0111 : seg = 8'b11111000;   //7 = F8H
       4'b1000 : seg = 8'b10000000;   //8 = 80H
       4'b1001 : seg = 8'b10010000;   //9 = 90H
       4'b1010 : seg = 8'b10001000;   //A = 88H
       4'b1011 : seg = 8'b10000011;   //b = 83H
       4'b1100 : seg = 8'b11000110;   //C = C6H
       4'b1101 : seg = 8'b10100001;   //d = A1H
       4'b1110 : seg = 8'b10000110;   //E = 86H
       4'b1111 : seg = 8'b10001110;   //F = 8EH
       default : seg = 8'b11000000;   //0 = C0H




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