2012年10月31日 星期三

P11-62 CRC 電路

Online CRC Calculation
Enter your CRC polynomial as bit sequence ("100110001") here:
This gives the following CRC polynomial (press RETURN to update):

P(x) = x16+ x12+ x5+ x0
Enter your message as sequence of hex bytes here. Don't care about whitespaces since they will be ignored.
Press RETURN or the Calculate button below to see the CRC checksum here:

$ 510(hexadecimal)
% 0000010100010000(binary)
! 1296(decimal)

A typical hardware implementation (LFSR - Linear Feedback Shift Register) is shown here:

Dr.-Ing. K. Gorontzi, 2005
The input bits are shifted into the very left XOR gate. The MSB is shifted in first.
Each flipflop represents a single CRC output bit. The leftmost flipflop is the MSB of the CRC. This implementation doesn't need to augment the serial input message with zeros.
Note that in our case the flipflops are cleared to zeros at the beginning of each CRC calculation.

A simple VERILOG implementation of the above polynom is shown here. You can directly copy the source snippet to your code (distributed under LGPL):

// ==========================================================================
// CRC Generation Unit - Linear Feedback Shift Register implementation
// (c) Kay Gorontzi, GHSi.de, distributed under the terms of LGPL
// ==========================================================================
   input        BITVAL;                            // Next input bit
   input        BITSTRB;                           // Current bit valid (Clock)
   input        CLEAR;                             // Init CRC value
   output [15:0] CRC;                               // Current output CRC value

   reg    [15:0] CRC;                               // We need output registers
   wire         inv;
   assign inv = BITVAL ^ CRC[15];                   // XOR required?
   always @(posedge BITSTRB or posedge CLEAR) begin
      if (CLEAR) begin
         CRC = 0;                                  // Init before calculation
      else begin
         CRC[15] = CRC[14];
         CRC[14] = CRC[13];
         CRC[13] = CRC[12];
         CRC[12] = CRC[11] ^ inv;
         CRC[11] = CRC[10];
         CRC[10] = CRC[9];
         CRC[9] = CRC[8];
         CRC[8] = CRC[7];
         CRC[7] = CRC[6];
         CRC[6] = CRC[5];
         CRC[5] = CRC[4] ^ inv;
         CRC[4] = CRC[3];
         CRC[3] = CRC[2];
         CRC[2] = CRC[1];
         CRC[1] = CRC[0];
         CRC[0] = inv;

Serial CRC

Below code is 16-bit CRC-CCITT implementation, with following features
  • Width = 16 bits
  • Truncated polynomial = 0x1021
  • Initial value = 0xFFFF
  • Input data is NOT reflected
  • Output CRC is NOT reflected
  • No XOR is performed on the output CRC

  1 //-----------------------------------------------------
  2 // Design Name : serial_crc_ccitt
  3 // File Name   : serial_crc.v
  4 // Function    : CCITT Serial CRC
  5 // Coder       : Deepak Kumar Tala
  6 //-----------------------------------------------------
  7 module serial_crc_ccitt (
  8 clk     ,
  9 reset   ,
 10 enable  ,
 11 init    , 
 12 data_in , 
 13 crc_out
 14 );
 15 //-----------Input Ports---------------
 16 input clk     ;
 17 input reset   ;
 18 input enable  ;
 19 input init    ;
 20 input data_in ;
 21 //-----------Output Ports---------------
 22 output [15:0] crc_out;
 23 //------------Internal Variables--------
 24 reg   [15:0] lfsr;
 25 //-------------Code Start-----------------
 26 assign crc_out = lfsr;
 27 // Logic to CRC Calculation
 28 always @ (posedge clk)
 29 if (reset) begin
 30   lfsr <= 16'hFFFF;
 31 end else if (enable) begin
 32   if (init) begin
 33     lfsr <=  16'hFFFF;
 34   end else begin
 35     lfsr[0]  <= data_in ^ lfsr[15];
 36     lfsr[1]  <= lfsr[0];
 37     lfsr[2]  <= lfsr[1];
 38     lfsr[3]  <= lfsr[2];
 39     lfsr[4]  <= lfsr[3];
 40     lfsr[5]  <= lfsr[4] ^ data_in ^ lfsr[15];
 41     lfsr[6]  <= lfsr[5];
 42     lfsr[7]  <= lfsr[6];
 43     lfsr[8]  <= lfsr[7];
 44     lfsr[9]  <= lfsr[8];
 45     lfsr[10] <= lfsr[9];
 46     lfsr[11] <= lfsr[10];
 47     lfsr[12] <= lfsr[11] ^ data_in ^ lfsr[15];
 48     lfsr[13] <= lfsr[12];
 49     lfsr[14] <= lfsr[13];
 50     lfsr[15] <= lfsr[14];
 51   end
 52 end 
 54 endmodule
You could download file serial_crc.v here



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