2019年5月10日 星期五

使用1/3辛普森方法的雙重積分 的計算


Program to calculate Double Integration

Input: Given the following integral.
 \int _{3.7}^{4.3}\int _{2.3}^{2.5}\sqrt{x^4+y^5}\:dxdy 
 f(x, y)=\sqrt{x^4+y^5}\ 
Output: 3.915905
使用Simpson 1/3 method for both x and y integration.

// C program to calculate double integral value 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

// Change the funciton according to your need 
float givenFunction(float x, float y) 
    return pow(pow(x, 4) + pow(y, 5), 0.5); 
// Function to find the double integral value 
float doubleIntegral(float h, float k, 
                     float lx, float ux, 
                     float ly, float uy) 
    int nx, ny; 
    // z stores the table 
    // ax[] stores the integral wrt y 
    // for all x points considered 
    float z[50][50], ax[50], answer; 
    // Calculating the numner of points 
    // in x and y integral 
    nx = (ux - lx) / h + 1; 
    ny = (uy - ly) / k + 1; 
    // Calculating the values of the table 
    for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { 
        for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { 
            z[i][j] = givenFunction(lx + i * h, 
                                    ly + j * k); 
    // Calculating the integral value 
    // wrt y at each point for x 
    for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { 
        ax[i] = 0; 
        for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { 
            if (j == 0 || j == ny - 1) 
                ax[i] += z[i][j]; 
            else if (j % 2 == 0) 
                ax[i] += 2 * z[i][j]; 
                ax[i] += 4 * z[i][j]; 
        ax[i] *= (k / 3); 
    answer = 0; 
    // Calculating the final integral value 
    // using the integral obtained in the above step 
    for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { 
        if (i == 0 || i == nx - 1) 
            answer += ax[i]; 
        else if (i % 2 == 0) 
            answer += 2 * ax[i]; 
            answer += 4 * ax[i]; 
    answer *= (h / 3); 
    return answer; 
// Driver Code 
int main() 
    // lx and ux are upper and lower limit of x integral 
    // ly and uy are upper and lower limit of y integral 
    // h is the step size for integration wrt x 
    // k is the step size for integration wrt y 
    float h, k, lx, ux, ly, uy; 
    lx = 2.3, ux = 2.5, ly = 3.7,uy = 4.3, h = 0.1, k = 0.15; 
    printf("x= %0.2f 到 %0.2f\n",lx,ux);
    printf("y= %0.2f 到 %0.2f\n",ly,uy);
    printf("the step size for integration wrt x = %0.2f\n",h);
    printf("the step size for integration wrt y = %0.2f\n",k);
    printf("函數 f(x,y)= pow(pow(x, 4) + pow(y, 5), 0.5)\n");
    printf("雙重積分值 = %0.6f", doubleIntegral(h, k, lx, ux, ly, uy)); 
    return 0; 

x= 2.30 到 2.50
y= 3.70 到 4.30
the step size for integration wrt x = 0.10
the step size for integration wrt y = 0.15
函數 f(x,y)= pow(pow(x, 4) + pow(y, 5), 0.5)
雙重積分值 = 3.915905



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