--> --> AIC_Ch12
How to Apply to Academia Workshop (2/18/2011)
"How to get a faculty position from an industry job" by Prof. Rob Candler
"Personal reflections on the academic life" by Prof. Paulo Tabuada
"10 things you should know for the academic job search" by Prof. Lara Dolecek
"Positioning yourself for the academic job search" by Prof. Ben Williams
Ivory Tower Workshop (5/29/2009)
"Life in the Ivory Tower: Those Who Can, Teach; Those Who Can't, do." by Prof. Behzad Razavi
"On being a professor and the pleasures of finding things out" by Prof. Mihaela van der schaar
"Planning for an Academic Career - from Grad School to Tenure Track" by Prof. Aydogan Ozgan
"Academic Life Before and After PhD" by Prof. Dejan Markovic
215C, Winter 2013
Note: Note1 Note2 Note3 Note4 Note5 Note6 Note7 Note8 Note9 Note10 Note11 Note12 Note13Note14 Note15
215D, Spring 2012
215A, Fall 2011
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2013年7月24日 星期三
Microelectronic Circuits 2013-0725-1
張貼留言 (Atom)
作業2 MQTT (Relay + DHT22) 控制 ------- 利用Node-Red
作業2 MQTT (Relay + DHT22) 控制 ------- 利用Node-Red 1) 安裝Node-Red https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/articles/10201795 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v...

python pip 不是内部或外部命令 -- 解決方法 要安裝 Pyqt5 1. 首先,開啟命令提示字元。 2. 輸入 pip3 install pyqt5 好像不能執行 ! ! 錯誤顯示 : ‘ pip3 ’ 不是內部或外部命令、可執行的程式或批...
課程講義 下載 11/20 1) PPT 下載 + 程式下載 http://www.mediafire.com/file/cru4py7e8pptfda/106%E5%8B%A4%E7%9B%8A2-1.rar 11/27 2) PPT 下載...
• 認 識 PreFix、InFix、PostFix PreFix(前序式):* + 1 2 + 3 4 InFix(中序式): (1+2)*(3+4) PostFix(後序式):1 2 + 3 4 + * 後 序式的運算 例如: 運算時由 後序式的...