2013年7月17日 星期三

Microelectronic Circuits 2013-0717-2

¨EE 359  Electronic Circuits¨  
Fall  2007


EE359 Lectures starting August 27, 2007

Powerpoint format  Lecture 1   August 27
Powerpoint format Lecture 2    August 31
Powerpoint format Lecture 3    September 7
Powerpoint format Lecture 4    September 10
Powerpoint format. Lecture 5  September 14
Powerpoint format. Lecture 6  September 17
Powerpoint format. Lecture 7 September 21
Powerpoint format.
 Lecture 8 February 28
Powerpoint format.
 Lecture 9 March 6
Powerpoint format. Lecture 10 March 8
Powerpoint format. Lecture 11 March 20
Powerpoint format. Lecture 12 March 22
Powerpoint format. Lecture 13
Powerpoint format. Lecture 14
Powerpoint format. Lecture 15
Powerpoint format. Lecture 16
Powerpoint format. Lecture 17
Powerpoint format. Lecture 18
Powerpoint format. Lecture 19
Powerpoint format. Lecture 20 (Spice Review)
Powerpoint format.
 Lecture 21
PDF (Acrobat) format. Lecture 22

EE359 HW assignments and solns:
PDF format HW 1: 2.100, 3.18, 3.19, 3.26

EE359 HW assignments and solns:
PDF format HW 2 (old): 3.56, 3.58, 5.10, 5.31
PDF format HW 2 (old): 3.56, 3.64,3.76,3.100?
New homework Fall 2007:
PDF format HW 2 (new))3.52, 3.72, 3.66 , 3.98

EE359 HW assignments and solns:
PDF format HW 3:
New homework Fall 2007
PDF format HW 3 (new) 5.63, 5.78, 5.96, 5.99

Examples: 5.18,5.26,5.33,5.54  PDF format

EE359 HW assignments and solns:
PDF format HW 4:

Extra Problems: 5.61,5.74,5.93,5.100  PDF format

EE359 HW assignments and solns:
PDF format HW 5: 

Extra Problems  PDF format  

EE359 HW assignments and solns:
 PDF format HW 6:  

Extra Problems PDF format   

EE359 HW assignments and solns:
PDF format HW 7   
8.18,8.45,8.63,8.70 due March 27

EE359 HW assignments and solns:
PDF format HW 8

EE359 HW assignments and solns:
PDF format HW 9

EE359 HW assignments and solns:
PDF format HW 10

 SCHEDULE Mondays    1:45PM-3 PM     Morton 205
Fridays   1:45 PM-3 PM      Morton 205

COORDINATOR: Dr. Uf Tureliutureli@stevens-tech.edu
PHONE: 201-216 5603
OFFICE HOURS: Tuesdays 5-6pm, Wednesdays 3-4pm  at  Burchard 202 other times by appointment.
Please contact in advance for appointments outside of office hours. You may use e-mail to request appointments.
TEXT:  A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, 5th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2003.
COURSE DESCRIPTION:   This is the electronics course for electrical engineering students to provide an in-depth understanding of electronic circuit design and analysis. The primary emphasis of this class will be to cultivate an understanding of how modern electronic circuits work. Specific topics to be covered include differential and multistage amplifiers, amplifier frequency response and feedback, output stages, power amplifiers, a selection of analog integrated circuit topics, filters and tuned amplifiers, waveform-shaping circuits, and MOS digitalcircuits. This corresponds to Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11 inSedra and Smith.

Assignments and projects:  Hands on learning with computer based learning approaches will include simulation in the SPICE circuit simulation program. Several lab and homework assignments in this class will require the use of   a version of SPICE that runs under Windows. The student edition is inside the book cover.  

(computer programming, brief in-class presentation and formal report)

(analytical problems 30 % and computer programming 10% )

Midterm (2)


You are strongly encouraged to read ahead of the lectures. After each lecture, you should review the corresponding material in the textbook and then read the next section or two before the following lecture. This familiarization process will allow you to digest information from the lectures more easily.
The following sections of Sedra and Smith will be covered in this class: A quick review of chapters 1, 2, 4, and 5, then 7,8,12,13,14 

Homework problems will be assigned weekly. These problem sets will be collected and graded. Homework assignments turned in up to 24 hours late will be penalized 25% (i.e., multiply your score by 0.75). Assignments turned in more than 24 hours late will not be accepted. Your lowest homework grade will be dropped. Unless otherwise specified, homework assignments will be handed in during Friday’s lecture.
OTHER COURSE INFORMATION:  You are responsible for all material covered in class, in assigned readings, and on homework assignments. You are expected to attend class. I encourage you to come to my office hours whenever you have any questions concerning the course. I enjoy working with students, and am happy to meet with you.
If you are going to miss an exam, you must make prior arrangements with me in order to take the exam before the scheduled date. Homework will be assigned and graded. You are encouraged to form groups to work together on homework to solidify your knowledge of the material.



WOKWI ESP32 LED Control , Node-Red MQTT SQLITE  

WOKWI ESP32 LED Control ,  Node-Red  MQTT SQLITE   const char broker[] = "test.mosquitto.org" ; //const char broker[] = "br...