2022年1月7日 星期五

Python Tkinter – Text

 Python Tkinter – Text

T = Text(root, bg, fg, bd, height, width, font, ..)

Optional parameters

  • root – root window.
  • bg – background colour
  • fg – foreground colour
  • bd – border of widget.
  • height – height of the widget.
  • width – width of the widget.
  • font – Font type of the text.
  • cursor – The type of the cursor to be used.
  • insetofftime – The time in milliseconds for which the cursor blink is off.
  • insertontime – the time in milliseconds for which the cusrsor blink is on.
  • padx – horizontal padding.
  • pady – vertical padding.
  • state – defines if the widget will be responsive to mouse or keyboards movements.
  • highligththickness – defines the thickness of the focus highlight.
  • insertionwidth – defines the width of insertion character.
  • relief – type of the border which can be SUNKEN, RAISED, GROOVE and RIDGE.
  • yscrollcommand – to make the widget vertically scrollable.
  • xscrollcommand – to make the widget horizontally scrollable.

Some Common methods

  • index(index) – To get the specified index.
  • insert(index) – To insert a string at a specified index.
  • see(index) – Checks if a string is visible or not at a given index.
  • get(startindex, endindex) – to get characters within a given range.
  • delete(startindex, endindex) – deletes characters within specified range.

Tag handling methods

  • tag_delete(tagname) – To delete a given tag.
  • tag_add(tagname, startindex, endindex) – to tag the string in the specified range
  • tag_remove(tagname, startindex, endindex) – to remove a tag from specified range

Mark handling methods

  • mark_names() – to get all the marks in the given range.
  • index(mark) – to get index of a mark.
  • mark_gravity() – to get the gravity of a given mark.


from tkinter import *

root = Tk()
root.title(" Q&A ")

def Take_input():
INPUT = inputtxt.get("1.0", "end-1c")
if(INPUT == "120"):
Output.insert(END, 'Correct')
Output.insert(END, "Wrong answer") 

l = Label(text = "What is 24 * 5 ? ")
inputtxt = Text(root, height = 10,
width = 25,
bg = "light yellow")

Output = Text(root, height = 5,
width = 25,
bg = "light cyan")

Display = Button(root, height = 2,
width = 20,
text ="Show",
command = lambda:Take_input())





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