2020年5月14日 星期四

Dataflow modeling

Dataflow modeling

Dataflow modeling describes hardware in terms of the flow of data from input to output. For example, to describe an AND gate using dataflow, the code will look something like this:
module and_gate(a,b,out);
input a,b;
output out;

assign out = a&b;

Definition of Net

A net data type must be used when a signal is:
  • driven by the output of some device.
  • declared as an input or inout port.
  • on the left-hand side of a continuous assignment.
We will look at its practical application below.
  • Verilog has different net types, such as wiretriorwandtrireg, etc.
  • Nets need to be declared too.
  • They are primarily declared using the keyword wire. S
// nets from above AND gate
module and_in_out(A,B,out);
input wire A,B;//declaring the nets for the input
output wire out;//declaring the nets for the output
Take a look at the example below to understand how vector nets are declared.
module adder_in_out(a,b,out); 
input wire[2:0] a,b;
output wire[3:0] out; //3 out wires

Continuous Assignment

assign <net_expression> = [drive_strength] [delay] <expression of different signals or constant value>
For instance, we have used an assignment statement in the above code for AND:
assign out = a&b;
Let’s see another example:
assign sum = in1 + in2; // in1 + in2 is evaluated and assigned to sum

Continuous Assignment on Vectors

module adder(a,b,sum);
input [2:0] a,b;
output [3:0] sum;

assign sum = a + b;
$display("a = %b, b = %b, sum=%b", a,b,sum);
//Simulation log
a = 100, b = 111, sum = 1011 // (a = 4, b = 7, sum = 011, carry = 1)
The same code for 3-bit adder is written using concatenation below:
module adder(a,b,sum);
input [2:0] a,b;
output [2:0] sum; //sum is a vector
output carry; // carry is a scalar

assign {carry,sum} = a + b; //assigning result to a concatenation of scalar and vector
$display("a = %b, b = %b, sum=%b, carry = %b", a,b,sum,carry);
Simulation log
a = 100, b = 111, sum = 011, carry = 1 //

Regular continuous assignment

It follows the steps shown:
  1. Declare net
  2. Write continuous assignment on the net

wire out; // net 'out' is declared
assign out = a&b; //continuous assignment on declared net

Implicit continuous assignment

wire out = a & b; // net declaration and assignment together

Implicit Net Declaration

wire a,b;
out = a&b; // out not declared as wire but an implicit wire declaration is done by the simulator


Regular Assignment Delay

assign #10 out = a & b;

let’s see how the simulated waveform looks like for the following code:
module and_gate(a,b,out)
input a,b;
output out;

assign #10 out = a & b;

Simulation of AND gate with 10 ns delay
Simulation Waveform

Implicit Continuous Assignment Delay.

wire #10 out = a & b; //implicit Continuous Assignment Delay.
same as
wire out
assign #10 out = a & b;

Net Declaration Delay

wire #10 out;
assign out = a &b;
This code has the same effect as the following:
wire out
assign #10 out = a & b;



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