2018年12月31日 星期一





Aug 19Introduction
Notes: PDF
Aug 21Review of Calculus
Notes: PDF
 § 1.1
Aug 24Review of Calculus, cont'd
Notes: PDF
 § 1.1
Aug 26Round-off Errors and Computer Arithmetic
Notes: PDF
 § 1.2
Aug 28Round-off Errors and Computer Arithmetic, cont'd
Notes: PDF
 § 1.2
Aug 31Algorithms and Convergence
Notes: PDF
 § 1.3
Sep 2Algorithms and Convergence, cont'd
Notes: PDF
 § 1.3
Sep 4The Bisection Method
Notes: PDF
Code: bisect.m
 § 2.1
Sep 7Labor Day Holiday, no class  
Sep 9Fixed-Point Iteration
Notes: PDF
Code: fixedpt.m
 § 2.2
Sep 11Newton's Method
Notes: PDF
Code: newton.m
 § 2.3
Sep 14The Secant Method and Method of Regula Falsi
Notes: PDF
 § 2.3
Sep 16Error Analysis for Iterative Methods
Notes: PDF
 § 2.4
Sep 18Acclerating Convergence
Notes: PDF
Exam Paper 1 Assigned§ 2.5
Sep 21Exam 1 Review  
Sep 23Interpolation and the Lagrange Polynomial
Notes: PDF
 § 3.1
Sep 25Interpolation and the Lagrange Polynomial, cont'd
Notes: PDF
Exam Paper 1 Due§ 3.1
Sep 28Divided Differences
Notes: PDF
 § 3.2
Sep 30Interpolation Using Equally Spaced Points
Notes: PDF
Code: runge_newton.m
 § 3.2
Oct 2Osculatory Interpolation
Notes: PDF
 § 3.3
Oct 5Cubic Spline Interpolation
Notes: PDF
Code: runge_spline.m
 § 3.4
Oct 7Cubic Spline Interpolation, cont'd
Notes: PDF
 § 3.4
Oct 9Fall Break, no class  
Oct 12Cubic Spline Interpolation, cont'd
Notes: PDF
 § 3.4
Oct 14Numerical Differentiation
Notes: PDF
Code: diffrule.m
 § 4.1
Oct 16Richardson Extrapolation
Notes: PDF
 § 4.2
Oct 19Numerical Differentiation, cont'd § 4.1
Oct 21Elements of Numerical Integration
Notes: PDF
Code: quadtrap.mquadsimp.mquadinterp.mquadinterpweights.m
 § 4.3
Oct 23Composite Numerical Integration
Notes: PDF
Code: quadcomptrap.mquadcompsimp.mquadcomp.mquadcompnodes.m,quadcompweights.m
Exam Paper 2 Assigned§ 4.4
Oct 26Exam 2 Review  
Oct 28Romberg Integration
Notes: PDF
Code: quadromberg.m
 § 4.5
Oct 30Adaptive Quadrature Methods
Notes: PDF
Code: quadadapsimp.m
Exam Paper 2 Due§ 4.6
Nov 2Gaussian Quadrature
Notes: PDF
Code: quadgauss.mquadgaussnodes.mquadcompgauss.m
 § 4.7
Nov 4Multiple Integrals
Notes: PDF
 § 4.8
Nov 6Improper Integrals
Notes: PDF
 § 4.9
Nov 9Discrete Least Squares Approximation
Notes: PDF
 § 8.1
Nov 11Discrete Least Squares Approximation, cont'd
Notes: PDF
 § 8.1
Nov 13Orthogonal Polynomials and Least Squares Approximation
Notes: PDF
 § 8.2
Nov 16Orthogonal Polynomials and Least Squares Approximation, cont'd
Notes: PDF
 § 8.2
Nov 18Orthogonal Polynomials and Least Squares Approximation, cont'd
Code: makeorthpolys.mmakelegendre.mnestedmult.m
 § 8.2
Nov 20Trigonometric Polynomial Approximation
Notes: PDF
 § 8.5
Nov 23Trigonometric Polynomial Approximation, cont'd
Fast Fourier Transforms
Notes: PDF
 § 8.5-8.6
Nov 25Thanksgiving Holidays begin, no class  
Nov 30Review  
Dec 2Review  
Dec 7Final Exam, 10:45am-1:15pm
Practice Exam: PDF
Practice Exam Solution: PDF
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