NodeMCU Starter Kit - Neo

Robo India offers various kit for learning purpose. There are 3 kits available at Robo India to learn NodeMCU wifi module on Arduino IDE. This is second version - Robo India Neo NodeMCU starter Kit.
Here are the projects under this category. We recommend to follow these in given order-
- Introduction to NodeMCU on Arduino IDE.
- Serial Monitor interfacing
- Digital Output taking on LED
- Analog Output taken on LED
- Digital Input taken from push button
- Analog Input taken from preset
- LDR on NodeMCU
- i2c Scanner for scanning all i2c devices
- 16x2 LCD interfacing
- DHT-11 temperature and humidity sensor interfacing
- Connecting to internet
- Getting MAC address
- DHT-11 Data upload on cloud(Thingspeak)
- Weather Station (IOT)
- RGB LED interfacing
- Switching Using Transistor
- IR Proximity and Color detection
- Seven Segment Display interfacing
NodeMCU Analog Input on Arduino IDE
This tutorial of Robo India explains the basics of input and output programming in physical computing world. This tutorial teaches how to take analog input from NodeMCU.
NodeMCU Analog Output on Arduino IDE
This tutorial of Robo India explains the basics of input and output programming in physical computing world. This tutorial teaches how to take analog output from NodeMCU.
NodeMCU Serial Monitor on Arduino IDE
This tutorial of Robo India explains the basics of serial monitor of Arduino IDE for NodeMCU.
NodeMCU i2c Scanner on Arduino IDE
This tutorial of Robo India explains how to get address of i2c device connected to a NodeMCU using Arduino IDE.
NodeMCU Weather Station on Arduino IDE
This tutorial of Robo India is to make an online weather station on NodeMCU with Arduino IDE.
NodeMCU Temperature, Humidity data upload on Thingspeak on Arduino IDE
This tutorial of Robo India explains how to store and upload the weather data of DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor on cloud ( using wifi modem NodeMCU.
NodeMCU on Arduino - Introduction
This tutorial of Robo India explains how to use NodeMCU on Arduino IDE.
NodeMCU RGB LED on Arduino IDE
This tutorial of Robo India explains how to use RGB LED on NodeMCU using Arduino IDE.
NodeMCU Switching Using Transistor on Arduino IDE
This tutorial of Robo India explains how to a transistor as a switch on NodeMCU using Arduino IDE.
NodeMCU Seven Segment Display on Arduino IDE
This tutorial of Robo India explains how to use a seven segment display on NodeMCU using Arudino IDE.
NodeMCU connecting to internet on Arduino IDE
This tutorial of Robo India is a basic tutorial to connect a NodeMCU wifi module to the internet. This tutorial is based on Arduino IDE.
This tutorial of Robo India is a basic tutorial to connect a NodeMCU wifi module to the internet. This tutorial is based on Arduino IDE.
NodeMCU Digital Output - LED Blinking on Arduino IDE
This tutorial of Robo India explains the basics of input and output programming in physical computing world. This tutorial teaches how to take digital output from NodeMCU on Arduion IDE. The output is taken on LED, It glows for a second and remain off for a second.
NodeMCU 16x2 LCD on Arduino IDE
This tutorial explains how to use 16x2 LCD on NodeMCU wifi development board using Arduino IDE.
NodeMCU LDR on Arduino IDE
This tutorial of Robo India explains how to use LDR on NodeMCU using Arduino IDE.
NodeMCU IR proximity & Color Detection on Arduino IDE
This tutorial of Robo India explains how to use IR LED and photo diode as a color detection sensor and as a proximity detection sensor.
DHT11 Temperature & Humidity sensor on NodeMCU using Arduino IDE
Robo India presents tutorial on how to read temperature and humidity data through DHT11 sensor using ESP8266 wifi module on NODEMCU LUA platform.
NodeMCU on Arduino IDE - Getting MAC address
This tutorial of Robo India explains how to get MAC address of NodeMCU using Aruduino IDE.
NodeMCU Digital Input with Output Arduino IDE