2018年1月10日 星期三

Python: Find group id, user id, real group id, supplemental group ids associated with the current process

Python: Find group id, user id, real group id, supplemental group ids associated with the current process

Python Basic: Exercise-104 with Solution

Write a Python program to get the effective group id, effective user id, real group id, a list of supplemental group ids associated with the current process.
Note: Availability: Unix.
Sample Solution:-

import os
print("\nEffective group id: ",os.getegid())
print("Effective user id: ",os.geteuid())
print("Real group id: ",os.getgid())
print("List of supplemental group ids: ",os.getgroups())

Sample Output:
Effective group id:  1007                                          
Effective user id:  1006                                           
Real group id:  1007                                               
List of supplemental group ids:  [1007]  



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