2018年1月11日 星期四

Python: Function that takes a positive integer and returns the sum of the cube of all the positive integers smaller than the specified number

Python: Function that takes a positive integer and returns the sum of the cube of all the positive integers smaller than the specified number

Python Basic: Exercise-149 with Solution

Write a Python function that takes a positive integer and returns the sum of the cube of all the positive integers smaller than the specified number.
Sample Solution :-
def sum_of_cubes(n):
  n -= 1
  total = 0
  while n > 0:
    total += n * n * n
    n -= 1
  return total

print("Sum of cubes: ",sum_of_cubes(a+1))


=========== RESTART: F:/Python_APSC/py-ex-basic-149.py ==========
Sum of cubes:  36



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