2016年12月22日 星期四
Connect the USB-TTL to pc and upload sketch to ESP-12
Note: GPIO0 should be LOW
CH_PD and RST should be HIGH for first time flashing the board
GPIO0 should be LOW when uploading sketches
Remember use a 3.3V USB-TTL
connect RX of board to TX of usb and TX of board to RX
edit auth code, ssid and pass
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial // Comment this out to disable prints and save space
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <SimpleTimer.h>
SimpleTimer timer; //create a Timer object
int measurePin = A0; // ADC Connect dust sensor to Arduino A0 pin
int ledPower = 14; //Connect 3 led driver pins of dust sensor to Arduino D2
int ledPower1 = 16; //Connect 3 led driver pins of dust sensor to Arduino D2
int samplingTime = 280;
int deltaTime = 40;
int sleepTime = 9680;
long updateInterval = 250; //傳送資料時間間隔,測試完請設定1800000(30分鐘)
float voMeasured = 0;
float calcVoltage = 0;
float dustDensity = 0;
// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
// Go to the Project Settings (nut icon).
char auth[] = "605989b5204247989352d86301a4c4e9"; //Blynk Auth Token : 605989b5204247989352d86301a4c4e9
char ssid[] = "74170287";
char pass[] = "24063173";
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); //Set console baud rate
Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass); // auth, ssid, pass ;
void loop() {
digitalWrite(ledPower,LOW); // power on the LED
voMeasured = analogRead(measurePin); // read the dust value
digitalWrite(ledPower,HIGH); // turn the LED off
// 0 - 5V mapped to 0 - 1023 integer values
// recover voltage
calcVoltage = voMeasured * (3.3 / 1024.0); //5V change into 3.3V
// linear eqaution taken from http://www.howmuchsnow.com/arduino/airquality/
// Chris Nafis (c) 2012
if (calcVoltage < 0.583) {
dustDensity = 0;
dustDensity = 6 * calcVoltage / 35 - 0.1;
Serial.print("Raw Signal Value (0-1023): ");
Serial.print(" - Voltage: ");
Serial.print(" - Dust Density: ");
Serial.print(dustDensity * 1000); // 這裡將數值呈現改成較常用的單位( ug/m3 )
Serial.println(" ug/m3 ");
float T=dustDensity * 1000 ;
Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, voMeasured);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, calcVoltage);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, T);
for (byte i=0;i<=9;i++)
digitalWrite(ledPower1,LOW); // turn the LED off
delay(updateInterval); // 設定傳送時間間隔
digitalWrite(ledPower1,HIGH); // turn the LED off
delay(updateInterval); // 設定傳送時間間隔
張貼留言 (Atom)
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