2015年1月23日 星期五

Exercise 2: Comments and Pound Characters

Exercise 2: Comments and Pound Characters
# A comment, this is so you can read your program later.
# Anything after the # is ignored by python.

print ("I could have code like this.") # and the comment after is ignored

# You can also use a comment to "disable" or comment out a piece of code:
# print "This won't run."

print ("This will run.")

>>> ==================== RESTART ================
I could have code like this.
This will run.



作業2 MQTT (Relay + DHT22) 控制 ------- 利用Node-Red

作業2 MQTT (Relay + DHT22) 控制 ------- 利用Node-Red 1) 安裝Node-Red  https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/articles/10201795 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v...