2013年4月24日 星期三

[ZigBee]Example of XBee API frames

Some examples of XBee API Frames.

Modem status frame
7E 00 02 8A 06 6F
7E: API Frame
00 02: Length
8A: Modem status
06: Coordinator started
6F: checksum FF – ((8A +06) & FF) = 6F
AT Command API Frame: MY
frame format
7e 00 04 08 52 4D 59 FF
7E: API Frame
00 02: Length
08: AT Command Frame id
52: Frame id
4d 59: MY (4d 59) (4d => M, 59 => Y) Get the 16-bit network address of the module.
FF: checksum ff = ff – ((08+52+4d+59) & ff)
AT Command Response: MY
command response frame structure
7e 00 07 88 52 4d 59 00 00 00 7f
7E: API Frame
00 07: Length
88: AT Command Response API Identifier
52: Frame id
4d 59: MY (4d 59) (4d => M, 59 => Y) Get the 16-bit network address of the module.
00: Status 0=OK
00 00: MY value, 00 000 not set
7f: checksum ff = ff – ((08+52+4d+59) & ff)
Explicit Addressing Zigbee Command Frame:
7E 00 1D 11 01 00 13 A2 00 40 3E 25 75 00 00 01 01 04 02 01 04 00 00 18 01 01 00 00 00 29 63 CE 9F
7E: Start frame
00 1D: Length (29 bytes)
11: explicit addressing transmit
01: Frame id
00 13 A2 00 40 3E 25 75: 64 bit address
00 00: 16 bit address
01: source endpoint
01: destination endpoint
04 02: cluster id (temperature measurement cluster id/ Measurement and sensing functional domain)
01 04: profile id (home automation profile)
00: broadcast radius
00: options
18 01 01 00 00 00 29 63 CE: payload
9F: checksum
In this case the payload is a Zigbee
18 01 01 00 00 00 29 63 CE
18: // 00011000 0×18 / general command = 00/ manufacturer specific = 0/ direction =1/ disable default rsp = 1 / reserved = 000
01: transaction sequence
01: read response 00 00: attribute identifier (temperature) 00: status success
29: attribute data type = 29 signed 16 bit integer 63 CE: temp value (25550 / 100)
  1. XBee(R) & XBee-PRO(R) ZB ZigBee(R) PRO RF Modules
  2. xbee manual
  3. What is API (Application Programming Interface) Mode and how does it work?
  4. Zigbee specification
  5. Zigbee Home Automation Public Application Profile
  6. Zigbee Cluster Library

XBee API Library for Processing

Dan Shiffman and I are continuing development on a Processing library for Digi’s XBee radios. Tom Igoe has also contributed code. The library now facilitates receiving multiple sample I/O packets in API mode (ATAP1) from both the 802.15.4 and ZNet 2.5 XBee radios, and returns an object that contains the analog values, digital values, sender’s address and RSSI values. We started with I/O frames because the only way to receive this information is via API mode. The ability to send remote AT commands is now included. The library has been tested on Mac OS X and Windows platforms.
XBeeReader class
XBeeReader constructor takes the parent PApplet “this” and a reference to a made serial port
port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
xbee = new XBeeReader(this,port);
start() – takes in the string of your setup commands and returns a string of responses. The first command in the string must begin with AT. Any commands that follow must be separated by commas and do not use AT. There is no comma after the last command.
println("Setting up Xbee"); String response = xbee.start("ATRE,ID3333,MY89,DH0,DL0");
println("Setup response: " + response);
getXbeeReading() – returns the XBeeDataFrame object
XBeeDataFrame data = xbee.getXBeeReading();
XBeeDataFrame class
Contains the information delivered in an XBee data frame. IN THIS INITIAL EXAMPLE IT IS ONLY I/O DATA. The available methods are:
getAddress16() – returns the 16-bit transmitter address as an integer
getAddress64() – returns the 64-bit transmitter address as an long
getRSSI() – returns the RSSI reading in dBm as an integer (XBee Series 1 only)
getTotalSamples() – returns the total number of samples contained in the data frame
getDigital() – returns an array of integers that represent the current state of each digital channel with -1 indicating that the channel is not configured for digital. Use this when there is only one sample per frame.
getDigital(int n) – returns the nth sample of digital data as an array of integers with -1 indicating that the channel is not configured for digital.
getAnalog() – returns an array of integers that represents the current state of each analog channel with -1 indicating that the channel is not configured for analog. Use this when there is only one sample per frame.
getAnalog(int n) – returns the nth sample of analog data as an array of integers with -1 indicating that the channel is not configured for analog.
int addr = data.getAddress16();
int rssi = data.getRSSI();
int[] digital = data.getDigital();
int[] analog = data.getAnalog();
XBeeEvent function
This function is similar to SerialEvent. The XBeeEvent is called for you when there is data available from your XBee radio.
public void xBeeEvent(XBeeReader xbee) {
XBeeDataFrame data = xbee.getXBeeReading();



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